Android will now notify when your Phone gets Stolen

Here are the top trending news from the word of technology. News that every tech enthusiast should keep a tab on.


Android will now notify when your phone gets stolen

Google has announced a plethora of new security features with the launch of Android 15 Beta. However, the feature that is garnering maximum attention is the feature called ‘Theft Detection Lock.’ This feature uses artificial intelligence technology to detect if someone snatches your phone from your hand and tries to run away with it. The Android phone’s accelerometer will detect a sudden jolt, which could indicate a snatching motion. The AI will then analyze other factors, like the phone’s movement speed and direction, to see if it matches patterns commonly associated with theft. If theft is indeed suspected, the phone will automatically lock the screen, making it harder for the thief to access your data.


Google opens API access to its Google Home platform

Google has announced that it is opening up their Google Home platform to developers through new APIs. With APIs getting opened up, any developer can now create apps that work with Google Home and the over 600 million devices connected to it. This means you can expect a wider range of apps that can control your smart lights, thermostats, appliances, and more. The APIs aren’t just for smart home focused apps. Developers can get creative and use Google Home features within their apps. Imagine a fitness app that turns on your fan before a workout or a food delivery app that switches on your porch lights when your dinner arrives. Google has already granted API access to some developers while opening a waitlist for others. The first apps utilizing these APIs are expected to hit the app stores by fall 2024.


Anthropic hires Instagram co-founder as new Chief Product Officer

Mike Krieger, who co-founded Instagram with Kevin Systrom, has joined Anthropic as their new Chief Product Officer. This is a big move for both Anthropic and Krieger. Krieger brings a wealth of experience in building and scaling successful tech products. His experience with Instagram, which grew to over a billion users, will be invaluable to Anthropic as they look to expand their AI offerings. At Anthropic, he will oversee product engineering, product management, and product design efforts. Few years back Krieger had also co-founded a AI startup called Artifact, which is an AI news reader app. Overall, this high-profile hiring signals a significant shift Anthropic is looking to make a bigger splash in the AI industry.


Netflix is building its own ad server in a Direct Challenge to Google & Amazon

In a extremely bold move, Netflix has announced the launch of their own advertising technology platform, just a year and a half after entering the ad-supported streaming market. This move positions Netflix as a competitor to established ad server giants like Google, Amazon, and Comcast. By building their own ad server, Netflix will get control of the entire ad experience on their platform. This means they can tailor ad targeting and delivery to their specific user base and content. This will ensure that ads resonate with viewers and don’t disrupt their enjoyment. Google and Amazon are major players in the ad server market. Netflix’s entry could shake things up, especially if they can leverage their subscriber data and user base effectively.


Uber to Buy FoodPanda’s Taiwan Business for $950 Million

Uber is set to acquire Delivery Hero’s foodpanda business in Taiwan for a cool $950 million in cash. This acquisition strengthens Uber Eats’ foothold in the Taiwanese market. Previously, both Uber Eats and Foodpanda were major competitors. Following this deal, Delivery Hero will exit the Taiwanese market to focus its resources on other areas where they see a bigger impact. Some analysts are concerned that this deal could create a near-monopoly in the Taiwanese food delivery market, which might lead to less competition and potentially higher prices for consumers.

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Tags: featured
Girish Shetti: A writer with a passion for tech, marketing, and sports, he delivers captivating articles for the tech enthusiasts. Girish’s expertise in technology and startup analysis brings insightful content and the latest trends to our readers. He loves being the ‘first’ to know(and write) all that’s happening in the world of Tech and startups.