Blogs are a very interesting way to share ideas and thoughts with all kinds of viewers. Everyone who enjoys writing would also like to have a high number of viewership as a reward for all the thought that goes into writing a blog. While some blogs getting very high number of views, there are some that hardly any get any hits. What could be the reason behind this disparity? Is the content not good enough? Let us examine some ways to increase the number of audience on your blogs:

1. Include the Follower Widget: The best way to monitor the success of a blog is to have an indicator. The best one that defines the audience of yours will be the follower widget. The higher the number of people follow you, the greater are the chances that more and more people would like to read what you so vociferously shared with the people.
2. Place the Follower Widget Nicely: What if your blog receives sizeable amount of viewers but you are still not able to attract more followers? The reason might be the ill placed widget. Make sure the follow widget is placed in plain view for the people to see and then click on an impulse. The best place is obviously the top of the page so that the viewers know that they can follow this blog.
3. Ask for it: The way it works in the social media is that to increase viewership, we have to generally ask our friends or acquaintances to be the first few to like or share our posts. In this way, it is well on its way to gain recognition. The larger the network of your friends, the greater are your chances to get noticed and subsequently followed, even if it is on request!
4. Let them Share your work: Allow your readers to share your work with their friends on social networking sites. To allow them to share your blog will give you a chance to reach wider audience, without having to ask for it.
5. Focus on the Top Networking Platforms: Don’t try to over publish yourself and feel disappointed for not getting the results you were expecting. It is much better to rather focus on the top platforms and let your readers be the better judge and take it on other social networking sites through share widget.
6. Include Link in your Signature: This is perhaps the best and the most rudimentary way to publicize your blog. Add the link of your blog to your signature and it automatically reaches all the people you write an email to.
7. Spend some money too: If your blog means a lot to you and you are really publicizing an important thought, then don’t flinch at the idea of spending a few dollars for advertising purposes. You will be amazed to see the results you can get with spending some money.
8. Keep Updating: A good blog is the one that is always updated and shares interesting ideas and thoughts on a regular basis. The readers would love to keep hearing the good stuff you write and keep the momentum going!