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Office Web Apps on Skydrive Soon to come on Hotmail !

Office web apps on Skydrive cloud storage service and they are very much accessible by the users from now onwards. As promised by Microsoft Office team couple of weeks back, Office web apps are finally integrated into Skydrive cloud storage service and they are very much accessible by the users from now onwards. Although Jason Moore, Principal Lead Program Manager, Windows Live SkyDrive has written on the official blog that the integrated service has been made available to US, UK, Canada and Ireland users at this point of time but it's working absolutely fine for users belonging to any country as well. You may not get a language customized version of Office web apps for now but that's also on the way, quotes Jason in the announcement post. So from now on, you can start working on your office documents right through your web browser and start sharing your content across the web, no matter how large the shared file(s) may be. This is actually the biggest advantage of Skydrive integration with Office web apps as the files being shared are stored within your Skydrive account and whenever you share your files with someone else, the recipient gets to see the cloud hosted version of that file and therefore doesn't even require a download to see the file. File size can therefore go upto 10 GB, which is enormously huge. This way, file download becomes an option, no more a compulsion to the users.
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