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Twitter gets ‘Richer’ this Valentine.Adds $35Mn+ to its Reserves

twitterIn this article we will tell you about twitter funding founders as Twitter has raised yet another round of funding of over $35Mn led by Benchmark and IVP.
Twitter,one of the fastest growing web services last year has raised yet another round of funding of over $35Mn led by Benchmark and IVP($21 million and $14 million respectively).The early investors of Twitter namely Union Square Ventures and Spark Capital have also jumped in this time but the funding amount is still under cover. With the latest update on Twitter blog,it seems that the entire Twitter team(29 folks) is happy with the overwhelming growth and future prospects and we can expect Twitter to show up a lot of cards to the world in near future,turning itself a good proposition as a 'Profit making business'. And now when Twitter has attracted more than $55Mn of cumulative investment so far,a stable business model is a 'Must have' for the micro-blogging service.On the contrast,the encouraging fact for Twitter is that they have secured enough funds in their bank that they can last for years without generating

Google Devalues Everything It Touches

Poor CPM on Google adsPoor CPM on Google ads devalues everything says WSJ chief. The complete details are given below. In a conversation about the Future of Journalism with Walter Isaacson of "Time",Robert Thomson of "Wall Street Journal" and Mort Zuckerman of "The New York Daily News",here are few of the statements that caught everybody's attention. As all the three interviewed gentlemen represent the 'Old Media' today,they sounded biased and emotionally bound to the old media practices.They are well aware of the fact that 'old media'(mainly newspapers) is steadily losing its readership and more people are relying on information sources on web for staying updated. They admitted one big advantage of 'New media' is the 'Instantaneous' nature of web based information sources such as news websites and blogs.With Social media and citizen journalism playing its role quite efficiently,any news that breaks out today doesn't have to wait for a whole day to get printed on paper and get delivered to one's doorstep. But the three 'old media flagbearers'

‘Yaaze’ makes Job search more ‘Local’ and ‘Social’ !

yaazeIn this article we will tell you about yaaze local job search as Yaaze is a local job search portal that lets users find job opportunities in their vicinity. Yaaze is an online employment and social networking platform that uses web 2.0 technology to connect members of a community via the one-of-its kind 'zip code powered search'. At Yaaze, job seekers can sign up for free, upload an unlimited amount of photos, post their resume, skills, education,location, salary requirements AND availability,thus making the employee search process extremely easy for employers looking to hire freelancers,short-term or part


time staff.This saves job seeker's time spent in browsing

TalentEquity lets you decide who should be your next employer !

talentequityIn this article we will tell you about talentequity employer rating website. In the days of troubled economy when job cuts in any firm/company is pretty understandable,hardly anybody is really having a feel of 'Job security'.Most of the employed folks(apart from the unemployed ones) are highly active on Job portals and are always in search of job openings suiting their work profiles,simply because pre-prepartion of any inauspicious event('pink slip') will only keep hopes alive. And when the folks are deeply looking into 'Job portals',there's another 'evolving' area of online service that's proving very helpful for the employees.It's 'Enterprise Appraisal Portals'.These portals give opportunity to the employees to pen down 'anonymous' honest reviews,insider facts and critical information such as avg. salary,work culture,growth  hierarchy etc. TalentEquity is one such portal that's 'India specific' and trying to create a remarkable position in 'Enterprise appraisal'.It aggregates and presents employee opinions about their workplaces and salaries.The users can anonymously read and write reviews about their current or previous employers.Since

‘Web Hosting Pal’ helps you intellectually choose your ‘Web host’

webhostingpalWebhostingpal basically helps you to choose the right web hosting for you and in this article we will tell you web hosting services comparison webhostingpal. In the days when 'Social media' is overpowering 'Conventional media',it's hard to imagine any individual with absolutely no presence on the web.We are certainly leaving our impressions on the web in one way or the other.Be it an account on Facebook or Twitter,a free blog on Wordpress or a website hosted on a shared/private server,we are most definitely nurturing our virtual identities on the web. Some of the virtual identites(such as a proper website or an active blog) are much more prominent,leave a remarkable impact to the respective audiences(clients,visitors,customers etc) and help flourishing offline businesses to a great extent compared to inactive user accounts on social networks. And for getting a self hosted website(where you get to have all the control) as your(or your company's) representative on the web,web hosting providers are countless and dirt cheap today.But as a matter of fact,when any market becomes highly crowded with more than plenty of service providers then decision making becomes even tougher. Web Hosting Pal is a site that might help you out in this perplexed decision making

Kindle 2 available in markets now

kindle vs kindle 2Amazon kindle 2 has been launched. This article will explore kindle vs kindle 2. Find the complete details below. As strongly rumoured by some sources,Kindle 2 was to be introduced publicly on Monday and here we have the successor of 'Kindle',a smarter eReader named 'Kindle 2' by Amazon launched on Monday itself. We were guessing some of the much needed fixes to the earlier Kindle and it seems Amazon has consciously listened to the feedbacks and fixed most of the issues that customers were facing(like accidental page turning). The price is the same as rumoured($359) and will start shipping from 24th Feb but you can pre-order it from now onwards. Apart from the pending issues,Amazon has nicely worked on the upgrading various parts such as storage capacity, usability, weight, thickness, navigation etc. Kindle 2 is better in most aspects than Kindle and is sure to take sales figures higher this year for Amazon. So,let's take a look at 6 killer features that make 'Kindle 2' an 'must have' gadget,specially for voracious readers

‘Lottay’ lets your friends gift you exactly what ‘you’ want !

lottayIn this article we will tell you about collaborative gifting website lottay. Lottay lets you have a collaborative gifting activity. Most of the times,the so called 'surprise gift' that you receive from your friends or relatives on certain occasions isn't the desired gift that you were praying for.So,here is a web service that helps you avoid another ugly sweater for your birthday and letting you tell your family & friends what exactly you're looking for. Lottay is a website that allows its users collect money from relatives & friends for a specific wish or gift.Users can create any kind of wish without having to choose from a predetermined list of items.For instance,if somebody wants to go for a trip to Europe but does not have enough money,then he just needs to upload the wish on his/her profile with images(if required) on Lottay and forward it to every such friend whom the user expects monetory contribution from. Lottay can also prove useful for group gifts.In a situation where you have to ask for money to colleagues or supervisors for collaboratively buying a gift for somebody at the office,Lottay might prove to be an innovative solution.This whole process of creating as well as contributing money towards

The Hottest asset of a Deadpooled company : Domain name*

In this article we will explain you the benefits of premium domain name. A super-common domain may add to your service by making your brand easy to remember. If you can figure out the similarity between '','','' & '',then you won't find it tough in getting the title of this post (The Hottest asset of a deadpooled company : Domain name*).Here '*' means 'Conditions apply'.Condition ?? You got to own one of the most common(& desirable) domain names possible on web. To be factual,its almost impossible for anybody to find such a worthy domain name  now(if there would still be any such unclaimed domain name,domain registrars would rather get those themselves before anyone else finds it out). These four mentioned domains have been sold for a total of $4.5 Mn within past three months only,with latest being which recently got auctioned for nearly $1.25Mn.Honestly,i haven't been a positive promoter of such deals as brands are built with 'Quality of Service' and not with a mere 'domain'. A 'super-common' domain may

JuicyCampus shuts its doors with perplexed reasoning

juicycampusIn this article we will tell you about juicycampus shutdown reasons as recently Juicycampus has announced its shutdown.

JuicyCampus,a site that was all about juicy gossips and used to encourage students for posting  juicy(sort of cyber-bullying) messages about their peers has officially announced its termination of services.JuicyCampus Founder Matt Ivester wrote a blog post on the company’s blog,announcing website's shutdown and pointing out the reasons for such a traumatic end to their ill-famed service.

Ivester pointed out 'poor revenues' being the major reason behind shutdown,despite steady usage and growth of the site among campuses.

Unfortunately, even with great traffic and strong user loyalty, a business can’t survive and grow without a steady stream of revenue to support it. In these historically difficult economic times, online ad revenue has plummeted and venture capital funding has dissolved. JuicyCampus’ exponential growth outpaced our ability to muster the resources needed to survive this economic downturn, and as a result,we are closing down the site as of Feb. 5, 2009.

Economic pressure is understandable but shutting down a website that's showing steady growth and user loyalty isn't a great idea at all

With ‘Google Latitude’,aren’t you about to reveal too much about yourself !!

google latitude privacy concernGoogle has made some of the good changes in their latitude privacy. Find complete details below. After launching (incredible!)version 5.0 of Google Earth,Google has launched yet another service for its users worldwide(27 countries to be precise).It's Google Latitude.This service is meant to help its users broadcast their approximate physical locations to anybody whom they want it to be shared to.The location will be tracked on Google Maps,a popular service by Google.At the moment, Blackberry S60, and Windows Mobile are supporting this feature(provided you download the latest version of Google Maps with Latitude for your mobile). Within a week,Android will start supporting this feature.There's no official date confirmed for arrival of 'Latitude support' for iPhone but it will happen soon through Google Mobile App for iPhone.One can also share his location by adding an iGoogle widget to his PC/Laptop. Apart from location tracking,Latitude users  can stay in touch with their friends via SMS, Google Talk, Gmail, or by updating their status message. But there's one thing that's out of limelight but holds enough weight in it...What about Privacy concerns ??
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