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Satyam Scam : Indian Corporate History

Satyam ScamSatyam Computers Chairman,Ramalinga Raju resigned and confessed about the fake projections about his company. Find the complete details below. Today can surely be called "A Shameful day" for the entire Indian corporate industry as one of the high profile Indian public companies,Satyam Computers' Chairman,Ramalinga Raju resigned today and confessed about the fake projections about his company's performance and financial status. Raju confessed that company's balance sheet carried inflated figures from year on year.The company had been projecting non-existant profit & revenue figures and this had been happening for nearly 10 years within the company. In his five page resignation letter to Satyam's board of directors,he admitted that  for the second quarter which ended Sep 30, 2008,the company reported a revenue of  $560mn (Rs 2,700 cr) and an operating margin of $135mn(Rs 649 cr) as against the actual revenues of $440mn(Rs 2,112 cr) and an actual operating margin of $12.5mn(Rs 61 crore).All this resulted in non-existant cash and bank balances up by $122mn(Rs 588 cr) in the second quarter alone. Although Ramalinga Raju,ex-Chairman,Satyam Computers has taken all the blame on his own

Twitter under Attack : Phishing,Celebrity hacks…What Next ???

twitter-hackedCelebrity twitter accounts got hacked yesterday and the support tools had to be taken offline.

Past week,twitter was having a bad time,dealing with phishing attacks and following up with it was yesterday's celebrity account hacks(Barack Obama,Bill O Reilly,Britney spears and 30 more such accounts).

Although,the hacks came to a halt after Twitter took the support tools offline,the hackers behind it had done what they wanted to...breaching twitter's security to the best possible level.

Although many followers might have enjoyed/amused the tweets that were bubbling out from the hacked celebrity accounts,such an act has revealed the vulnerability of Twitter to a great extent.

A phishing attack(which Twitter earlier had) was more of an external attack for Twitter but such a fatal 'serial hacking' reveals more about the technical loopholes of this micro-blogging platform and might give celebrities a reason,not to opt for it as a mode of connecting with their fans/followers.

So,the next question is....What Next ?


idntitiIn this article we will tell you about idntiti community rating tool that's fueled by community and provides Reputation & Identity related information. Today,most of us maintain our online identity where we go social(Facebook,Myspace etc),go professional(LinkedIn) or go party(Fubar).And there are decent possibilities of us being searched,followed or tracked online by our employer(in case of individual),our employee (in case of an organisation) or our customer(in case of a product/service) as the web is so open that nothing is hidden actually. And directly or indirectly but community always speaks about every known entity,be it a human,product or an enterprise.For instance,websites such as Yelp(products/services reviews ),Glassdoor(companies review) and countless others are popular examples of community feedback. So here's a similar web service that's trying to rate every possible entity under one roof especially 'Individuals'.Meet IDNTITI... IDNTITI is a rating tool that's fueled by community and provides

BolCityBol : Taking Indian Online classifieds to Grass-root level

bolcitybol1BolCityBol provides a solution for online classifieds which caters a common person's day to day needs involving apartment rentals, buying/selling, jobs Online classified portals are nothing new today.People usually use free or paid classifieds portals for either reaching out to the intended customers or finding out the required service. Craigslist,being the most popular(and oldest as well) wins maximum audiences all over because of its FREE nature and too simple interface(although i don't like the decade old UI). But one thing that Craigslist hasn't been able to do yet is replicating the same depth of local classifieds that it has created for US cities,to cities in any other country. So,here's a service that's looking to fill this void in India(Currently Mumbai and Pune only)....BolCityBol BolCityBol is a Mumbai-Pune(currently) based FREE local classifieds service .If someone needs to buy or sell a particular product or service,physical proximity becomes a CRITICAL factor in decision-making. BolCityBol,going all depths into the two mentioned cities,is trying to capitalise this 'proximity' factor in

Isn’t ‘Twply’ getting too much of Instant Publicity…

twplyIn this article we will tell you about twply service which is a twitter based service that lets you receive @replies to your e-mail. First of all a Very Happy New Year to all you guys out there... Getting back to the topic,Twply,a twitter based service that lets you receive @replies to your e-mail has been quick bubbling in blogosphere and i am just unable to find many reasons for it,both good or bad. This service hasn't much reasons to be talked about in a positive way and the other reason(massive criticism,which also brings undue awareness) to instant publicity is looking really astounding. Reasons ?...It automatically twitters a self-promoting message through your twitter account(if you sign up for the service) to publicize itself to your followers.As this is quite a usual practice followed by every other newly launched service to get heard in fastest way possible hence no offences here.And the other reason for instant blogo-burst(Blogosphere Outburst) is rather ridiculous.If  Twply got sold for $1,200  just one day after its launch then one can't put it as a reason to criticize the service.Rather,the reason for selling Twply is more interesting(which also proves how stupid the folks who built this service are). This is why they sold

SendMe lets your mobile entertain you !

This article tell you about Sendme,mobile ringtones download,mobile wallpapers download. Today,Mobile phones have certainly claimed theisendmer place in "Five things i can't live without" for majority of girls/guys and the options are endless to choose from.And Mobile entertainment(MP3,ringtones,games,wallpapers etc) is undoubtly the major reason behind the stickiness that mobiles have created today. So,here's a service that serves you with an easy way to get all the entertainment,right into your mobile.It's SendMe Mobile SendMe Mobile is one of the leading direct to consumer subscriptions service offering a vast array of ringtones,wallpapers,games and texting services It offers content from major record labels  such as EMI,Universal Music Group and Warner Music as well as content from independents such as The Orchard,Mobilestreams, and IODA. SendMe is a  one stop shop for all of your mobile entertainment

KICKSTART : Yahoo !’s (hopefully) last shutdown in 2008

yahoo-kickstartIn this article we will tell you about yahoo kickstart shutdown.Yahoo! has shut down yet another web service under its name called KICKSTART. Call it the current ill fate of Yahoo! or Kickstart's poor ideation(it was nothing more than a  re-iteration of the pretty old concept of bridging students & alumnis and letting business relations develop inbetween),there were never big hopes by anybody(even Y! itself,i suppose) from Kickstart and the service hardly excited any lad to give it a serious try. As Yahoo! has shut down many of its subsidiary services this year,(such as Y!Music,Mash,Y!Live,Jumpcut),it seems that Yahoo! has not been able to capitalise

Why Chrome should’ve better stayed in ‘Beta’ !

In this article we will explain you about the chrome incompatibility with orkut chat. Orkut Live chat(recently introduced) is disabled on chrome browser. In general,i love whatever comes my way that belongs to Google,be it Chrome,Android G1(latest ones) and many of the old and successful services(Gmail,Google Apps,Google Maps,Orkut,Google Earth and many others).And i trust brand 'Google' to an extent that i don't expect slightest level of incompatibility within its services. But one thing that i realized today made me re-think over (sort of)blind trust i had on Google's services till now. Prior to the launch of Chrome,i started using it and i confess that i came across many bugs/issues(out of which few got addressed in Chrome's timely updates) but many left completely untouched but i am still on Chrome. And as Google also used Orkut(one of the biggest social networks internationally) to promote its new browser,it was looking like Chrome's usage will

Google Chrome Full Version

In this article we will tell you about the google chrome latest release.You can expect better stability,massive gains in speed and improved privacy controls. All the Chrome fanatics must be happy to know that Chrome has just left 'Beta' stage(officially announced on Google Blog) with its fifteenth release today(in the past three months,they've released 14 updates so far). At this point of leaving 'Beta' phase,team behind Chrome is looking quite confident about Chrome's performance.You can expect better stability,no more audio/video glitches,massive gains in speed,better provision for managing bookmarks,improved privacy controls etc. Although,the Google browser is dropping 'beta' tag,but some immediate homework is waiting to be done such as "RSS support","form autofill" etc. In its short 'beta' lifespan(Just 100 days),Chrome has managed to reach over 10 million active users world over.But the situation is not so rosy for Chrome

“Google Zeitgeist 2008” & “Yahoo! Top 10 2008” have NO MATCH !

In this article we will tell you about Google Yahoo top searches comparison. As the year is about to end,Google has announced its list of most popular search terms(called 'The Zeitgeist') for the year 2008 and the list is quite interesting and not-so-obvious like Yahoo's. Astoundingly,the top two search engines(Google and Yahoo!) didn't have a single search term in common in their Top 10 lists except 'obama'(there also,Google had 'Obama' and Yahoo! had 'Barack Obama' hence not quite precisely matching). Below are some really interesting conclusions on these Top 10 searches of Google & Yahoo! but before that,have a look at the two lists : Here is Google's list of Fastest Rising searches :
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