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Happy Birthday Facebook ! What’s up with your IPO by the way ?

facebook ipoFacebook,world's most popular social networking website has turned 5 years old today.Facebook IPO by mid 2011. Facebook,arguably the biggest(Myspace days are fading out) Social networking website in the world has turned 5 years old today.Exactly 5 years ago,Mark Zuckerberg,a Harvard dropout bagged a domain "" and launched his self built social network.Rest of the story is history today. Following Google,Facebook is certainly the next big internet company that came out of nothing and now raising unrealistic(remember $15 Bn valuation ?) expectations in the tech industry.Facebook has been steadily growing since its launch and has now crosssed a figure of 150m users worldwide. It is now being speculated that the older social networking giant(Myspace) is slowly lagging behind Facebook,specially when only U.S. audiences are taken into consideration. During the past five years,Facebook hardly remained out of buzz and kept making news for one reason or the other.From 'Beacon controversy' to 'Facebook Connect'(from 'bad' to 'good'),from Microsoft's partnership(on a skyrocked valuation) to the  much popular rumors of Facebook's IPO,every such thing regarding Facebook hit Digg's homepage on a regular basis. So,what's up with Facebook's IPO ?

“Google Earth 5” Review

google_earth_5_chlorophyll_map_610x541Google earth latest version 5 has been officially released with new features such as Google Ocean,historic imagery and more real-time data. Here comes the next version of Google Earth(version 5.0) which takes your imagination to another level.With what we already had in Google Earth,a common user couldn't even fantasize,what GEarth's team has delivered with their latest installment of Google's 3D earth mapping software.(Download it here) Now,along with Google Earth,you can explore deep oceans which means you can dive into the ocean to explore buried realities beneath the silent water surface. You can also traverse back into history(it should have been branded "Time machine" ) to see how geographical changes have occured in the past decades.Be it a human construction or natural changes,everything is captured and you can witness it right through this software. Along with this,Google Earth has infused pile of critical data(courtesy NASA,

Google bug reason – labelled every site “Harmful”

Recently Google got a bug that started labelling every website with the message "This site may harm your computer". The complete details are given below. Google has literally committed one of the biggest mistakes of its decade long history.Google labelled every website on the web as 'malicious' for nearly 55 minutes(between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m.).Millions of users all over the globe were completely unaware and astounded of what had happened to the world's most popular search engine. Google,which has really become synonymous to 'search'(Googling = Searching) today,wouldn't have even imagined such a terrible situation in its wildest dreams.Precisely,Google started labeling every website on any given search with the message "This site may harm your computer !" between 6:30 a.m. PST and 7:25 a.m. And to millions of all those folks who blindly believe in Google(and whatever Google shows),it felt like the entire World Wide Web has undergone a malware attack.Thanks to proactive Blogosphere and Twitsphere,which helped folks around realise that Google can also commit a blunder ! Few hours later,there came an official apology and justification from Google,clarifying what really happened

Characteristics Of Cloud Computing

In this article we will tell you some cloud computing characteristics. These are the 4 basic characteristics of an application that suits 'Cloud computing' . Cloud computing' is a technology that will certainly change the way we deploy and run our applications,utilizing various resources in much efficient and economical manner.But as of now,the 'Cloud' technology doesn't suit every kind of application that we use today. Hence,below are the 4 basic characteristics of application that suits 'Cloud computing' rather than conventional methods of app deployment and resource consumption.Take a look...

1. Which needs Flexibility

The best part about Cloud computing is that it provides flexibility,shared and automated management that distributes resources over the cloud network.So,if your app's resource utilization is inconsistent rather spiky then "Cloud" will suit you the most.For instance,travelling related sites hit peak traffic in December and quite average traffic otherwise so they can be considered appropriate for

Should TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington continue blogging ?

Michael ArringtonAn incident took place with Techcrunch editor Michael Arrington. Find the complete details below. Michael Arrington,while walking out of DLD conference,came across an 'asshole entrepreneur' who spat on his face and ran away into the crowd in a split of a second. What's latest on TechCrunch is something really embarrassing for the whole startup community. Very recently,Michael Arrington,while walking out of DLD conference,came across an 'asshole entrepreneur' who spat on his face and ran away into the crowd in a split of a second. Arrington,on the other side,was quite astounded(rather shocked) with this mishap and has really spoke his heart out in his recent post.There,he has described the entire incident and a few other life threatening incidents that happened to him in the past. At the end,he has shown his intentions of segregating himself from the tech world for a while,for self-introspecting of what he has been doing for years and is that what he should be doing.It's not just him but his family and his employees who have all been threatened several times for a variety of reasons and after this shameful incident,he's looking very serious about his decision to further pursue independent technology journalism or not. We think,he MUST continue blogging about startups and tech industry in the future....Here's why ! Such things aren't

140it : For all those Twitterers who often hit “140 Char” limit

140it140it lets you shorten your tweets if they are exceeding the 140 character limit in twitter. There's a newly launched service called 140it(for a change,this time the twitter app isn't "tw........."),that lets you shorten your tweets if they are exceeding the 140 character limit in twitter.They use the usual style of shortening the text,which is commonly used by us while sending an SMS or even a tweet. For instance,we shorten 'are' with 'r' or 'management' with 'mgmnt' and now the same task can be done with this twitter based app.You just need to "drag 'n' drop" it in your browser toolbar and you're done.If your tweet contains a web link then it will automatically convert it using also replaces company names for their StockTwits symbols. TweetShrink and Twonvert are the two apps that have been providing this very same service for a while now but they force you to go to their homepage.140it,on the contrary never lets you come back

“ChaCha” raises $30 Million;But who’s “Dumb” ? Investors or TechCrunch

chachaCha-cha is a free mobile answering service which is powered by a QA service. The complete details of it are given below. It has just raised Series C round of $30 million,adding to the earlier rounds of $6 Million(Series A) and $10 Million(Series B) and making the total investment in this 2 years old startup to whopping $46 Million.For those who haven't heard of this service before,it basically allows people to ask any question in conversational English and receive an accurate(what they claim) answer as a text message using any mobile phone,from a basic flip phone to advanced Smartphones such as iPhone. TechCrunch,a notable tech blog in Silicon valley has manytimes blogged about its updates and progress and has mostly discouraged it for having a 'dumb concept' as their backbone.ChaCha uses real time humans at the back-end to answer queries coming mostly from the users on the go(using a mobile phone)."Human powered" is something that hits TC the most and forces them to declare it an 'unscalable' and 'dumb' idea. Logically,if ChaCha's usage keeps on increasing,then there will be a time when "human powered" system would really turn impractical and will simply

“Faayda” : An Indian Job Search Engine for Unified Job search

faayda_logoIn this article we will tell you about faayda indian job search engine. Faayda crawls hundreds of job portals and adds all the jobs listed to its database. In these troubled days of recession,one online sector that's happily taking the cake away is "Job Portals".Layoffs,shutdowns and  every such mishap creates more unemployment which inturn makes people search out for jobs.And the easiest way out is to browse through every Job portal one can possibly find. Hence,one website that might prove to be a 'utility' these days is "Faayda".It's an Indian Job search engine,that crawls various popular job portals and lists out jobs from all such websites. Faayda crawls hundreds of job portals as well as career pages and adds all the jobs listed to its database.It then makes it easy for job seekers to find all the jobs listed at different job portals,at one place.

‘Virtual’ threatening ‘Physical’…But ‘Physical events’ still hold core utility !

services1A survey by ON24 projects that there's an expected decline of nearly 40-60%  in the year 2009 in physical events According to a survey by ON24,a San Francisco based virtual events company,Physical events are loosing out against Virtual events.It compiled the results on the basis of  responses from its 270 customers (including PricewaterhouseCoopers and IBM). The survey also projects that there's an expected decline of nearly 40-60%  in the year 2009 in physical events.Reasons are quite obvious.When companies are drying up with funds and laying off employees in massive numbers,they will try their best to save out of every lavish spending they had been doing earlier. Big & glossy physical events such as Trade shows and conventions require some heavy investments and in such an economic downturn,enterprises are now relying more on the nearest alternative to physical events,Virtual events.

Why ‘LocalPrice’ isn’t JAPC(Just Another Price Comparison) site !

localpriceIn this article we will tell you about Atlanta local service prices localpriceLocalprice allows people to compare and shop online for local services. Google any product(books,gadgets,automobiles..),service(web hosting ,restaurant.....) or anything else you can think of and you will find a battery of  comparison websites,letting you compare various aspects of a service such as price,specifications,features and related stuff. But there are many neglected local services for which most of such JAPC sites never bother and refuse to take any pains for placing them in their catalogue.For instance,comparisons for services such as Lasik surgery centres,Home alarms,teeth cleaning etc aren't there in abundance on web and if you love details about everything then you are likely to remain disappointed with the results. Such services are mostly provided by local business owners,who are still to reach web and many times don't even have a website to portray their business details.Many such local businesses's 4 page site remains so deeply buried on the search results that hardly anyone gets to reach them. Any solution....? LocalPrice,atleast for Atlanta.It's an atlanta based
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