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A Smart Marketing Stunt By Microsoft(India)

Microsoft Windows LiveMicrosoft, India has launched an Online marketing campaign called WinWithSearch where Indian users will get to win talk time. Find details below. Today,I went to Microsoft's Live Search again (after a really long time),just to take a look at the latest marketing stint they are upto.And it seems that the marketing folks at MS,India are experimenting some cheap but innovative ways to market their doomed search engine(and it's still doomed). Talking straight, Microsoft, India has just launched an online marketing campaign called WinWithSearch where Indian users will get to win talktime worth Rs.100 ($2) every 10 minutes of doing nothing but searching. Every search you make will trigger two dice at the top of search results page the dice will start rolling.A few seconds after,when both the dices

Wisheo lets you gift collaboratively !

Wisheo lets you  gift collaboratively and allows people in an easy way to pool their money together and buy gifts Web apps have made our lives quite easy(and fun).Here's another such web service(they have their app on facebook as well) that makes it quite easy for you to organize group gifts and wishlists online.The service we are talking about is Wisheo. Wisheo takes a new innovative approach to group gifts and wishlists.Its unique approach enables people to give or receive a few good gifts instead of many "unwanted" gifts.Users can setup group gifts and wishlists for special occasions and have multiple people contribute towards the same gift. It allows people in an easy and fun way to pool their money together and buy awesome gifts. It seems a good solution for eliminating usual hassles with organizing group gifts including the hassle of sending emails back and forth and collecting all the contributions.

Advantages Of Server-side Scripting

What is server side scripting and what are its various advantages? It all will be explained to you in this article. "Server-side Scripting" is basically about programming the server as per your requirements. Its done to make your website, hosted on that server become artificially intelligent It seems odd for a moment but its a fact that most of the folks who proudly call themselves 'web freaks' don't even know basics about web architecture.I actually came across some awful misconceptions about "Server-side Scripting" over a forum (by tens of folks out there) and thought of writing a post to elucidate the actual meaning of "Server-side scripting". I will take care that the post doesn't turn 'too geeky to be digestible'.

 What is Server-side Scripting ?

"Server-side Scripting" is basically about programming the server as per your requirements.Its done to make your website,hosted on that server become artificially intelligent(pre-programmed for a set of inputs from the user).It is basically used to facilitate interactive websites

A search engine that’s different : (!) Yureekah

Yureekah is a search engine,specifically built for online media industry.Its technology allows users to know where their competitor is advertising online
Horizontal search engines are quite mature today(highly evolved) but niche search engines are still in the process of evolution.One of those niche search engines is Yureekah. Yureekah is a search engine,specifically built for online media industry.Its patent pending proprietary technology allows users to know where their competitor is advertising online.This service is currently free and allows registered users to archive the campaigns. Before planning your own advertising strategy,it's always preferrable to have a look at your competitors and consequently modify your marketing strategy.But as millions of ads run on countless portals today,this task becomes quite difficult to execute.Yureekah might serve as

Orkut introduces Intra-chat !

In this article we will tell you about exciting Intra-chat feature which enables chat within orkut. This is to all the folks who have Orkut as one of their major social networking destination for fun and networking. Orkut has recently introduced 'intra-chat' feature.A feature that will let you have an active chat with your friends who're online.It's a good option over the old passive communication through scraps(non-instantaneous). You can also set your status(available,busy,invisible,offline) as per your priority and can also customize the settings to make yourself available for chat to selected group of friends. But it's quite possible that you may not be able to use/see it immediately.It's because just like the upgradation of new layout of Orkut(it took more than a week or so to get all the users over the new version),the team at Orkut is implementing intra-chat feature with a gradual pace.

MSE360 Review

MSE360 is a search engine that shows search results in a 3 tier layout.This provides blogs,Wikipedia,images and web results on one page Whenever i come across startups building yet another search engine,i don't expect something really exciting as Google has satisfied me(and the majority) to an extent where we don't really bother to even search on Yahoo! or Live for any of our queries.Other search engines are nowhere on the hit list. And i felt quite reluctant when i received a mail from a folk who had built another search engine called MSE360.But one thing that hit me hard was the cost that was involved in building this search engine.Just $1000.I suspect most of this amount was expended on coffee & snacks while developing this search engine..(joking) MSE360 is a search engine that shows search results in a 3 tier layout.This provides blogs,Wikipedia,images and web results on one page.It's surely not going to suit everyone but it might save you sometime specially when it comes to researching a topic.(As you get to have everything on a single page)

90DI Travel makes travel searching ‘Simple & Natural’ !

90di travel search engine makes travel searching easier with natural language search As the holiday season is fast approaching,the Indian travelling freaks(both frequent & occasional) have something to cheer for(as this service addresses one of their core concerns).The service we are talking about is 90DI Travel. Usually,indians have to refer multiple sites for enquiring travel queries related to trains and flights and the user interface of Indianrailways site is not user-friendly at all. 90DI travel brings you all the required information(such as fare) for a journey by train or flight on a single page.It also gives you the seat availability status(very dynamic) of indian trains which is a definite plus to their service(this hasn't been there in other such travel websites). You can view your journey over the indian map(they have integrated mapsofindia API) as well.
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