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MSE360 Review

MSE360 is a search engine that shows search results in a 3 tier layout.This provides blogs,Wikipedia,images and web results on one page Whenever i come across startups building yet another search engine,i don't expect something really exciting as Google has satisfied me(and the majority) to an extent where we don't really bother to even search on Yahoo! or Live for any of our queries.Other search engines are nowhere on the hit list. And i felt quite reluctant when i received a mail from a folk who had built another search engine called MSE360.But one thing that hit me hard was the cost that was involved in building this search engine.Just $1000.I suspect most of this amount was expended on coffee & snacks while developing this search engine..(joking) MSE360 is a search engine that shows search results in a 3 tier layout.This provides blogs,Wikipedia,images and web results on one page.It's surely not going to suit everyone but it might save you sometime specially when it comes to researching a topic.(As you get to have everything on a single page)

90DI Travel makes travel searching ‘Simple & Natural’ !

90di travel search engine makes travel searching easier with natural language search As the holiday season is fast approaching,the Indian travelling freaks(both frequent & occasional) have something to cheer for(as this service addresses one of their core concerns).The service we are talking about is 90DI Travel. Usually,indians have to refer multiple sites for enquiring travel queries related to trains and flights and the user interface of Indianrailways site is not user-friendly at all. 90DI travel brings you all the required information(such as fare) for a journey by train or flight on a single page.It also gives you the seat availability status(very dynamic) of indian trains which is a definite plus to their service(this hasn't been there in other such travel websites). You can view your journey over the indian map(they have integrated mapsofindia API) as well.

‘Pustak’ enters the race to become ‘prime online bookstore’ for Indians

Indian online bookstore Pustak that claims to have a database of over 12 million book titles and offers free international shipping to India. There's hardly any online bookstore left which hasn't been overshadowed by Amazon in U.S. and Europe but India is still a massively populated country(accounts for one-sixth of world's population) where Amazon isn't looking much interested at the moment. There's still not a massive business coming out of India to Amazon and many of the books can't even be shipped to India(limited delivery to few countries).This surely creates a space for a startup to fill out this void and aim to serve as an 'Amazon for indians'. That's the one Pustak is trying to become.It's an online bookstore that claims to have a database of over 12 million book titles and offers free international shipping to India. As this startup is based out of bangalore,all the books which are hard to find

PlaceLnk lets you map your physical location with your web identity

PlaceLnk is  web service that helps you locating website on map. It's like DNS but with coordinates instead of names It's a service that can serve as a cool utility if you carry an iPhone or T-Mobile G1. PlaceLnk is a web service that lets you hyperlink physical locations.It's like DNS but with coordinates instead of names. Just link the physical location of your home or business to a website of your choice. Once a "Place" has been registered using their website, it is visible at that location if searched on iPhone or G1(with the placelnk app). In their own words
We provide different ways to query a location for Places and to browse the websites linked to them.While other location-based mobile applications try to aggregate as much existing information as possible for a location, we are going a completely different path. You can register your own place in our database and link it to a user-generated website of your choice
Mobile versions for iPhone and the Google Android platform

“It’s time for some rest”….Yang will be stepping down as CEO

Jerry yang will soon be stepping down as CEO and the search for the Yahoo new CEO is already ON. The hottest news in internet industry at the moment is about Yahoo's CEO.Jerry yang will soon be stepping down as CEO and the search for the Yahoo's new CEO is already ON. Yang will get restored to his earlier position of Chief Yahoo! and will keep serving as a part of board of directors.You may call it a bad news for Yang but the market seems to be taking it otherwise.There has been a significant rise in Yahoo's share price with over 10% jump,next day after the this news broke out. There are no two ways about the fact that Yahoo! is in serious trouble and Yang's last hope got crushed by Google recently.So,there was hardly any other option left for Yang and therefore this decision came out. And now the search of the "New CEO" is bang

A search engine for travelling freaks : iXiGO

The Indian travel search engine ixigo basically lets you find the best deals in flights,hotels and buses with no spoofs. Either you are a frequent traveller or an occasional one,you got to give this service a try ! It's iXiGO. iXiGO is an indian travel search engine which basically lets you find the best(probably the cheapest) deals in flights,hotels and buses.It's one of the leading travel meta search engine focused on giving unbiased and comprehensive fare search to the users. In their own words
iXiGO is a search of the traveler, by the traveler and for the traveler. When you use iXiGO, you retain complete control on your travel choices and preferences. You choose which provider you want to book with, and can complete the booking directly on the provider's site. This ensures that you retain a direct relationship with travel vendors and complete a transaction more efficiently
iXiGO aggregates fares across airlines, buses and hotels to give the

Myspace Ads Hubpages Rejection

Hubpages got a rejection from Myspace customer service quoting it as a competitor of myspace which is not true factually This is one incident that made me laugh at the biggest social network of the planet called MySpace.And this must be quite embarassing for them to be into such a situation.The actual fault lies in their CRM deptt. Recently,a post on TechCrunch revealed what went behind the curtains with Hubpages,a startup that lets users write articles and earn revenues from their write-ups.Interestingly,hubpages got screwed by myspace customer execs three consecutive times,for quite illogical reasons. Like every other startup looking for more visitors,Hubpages marketing manager,Ryan Hupfer went ahead with the newly launched MySpace My Ads,a self service ad platform to

Will Online video sites ever turn into a profitable business ?

Popular online video sites are not making BIG money. YouTube, for instance has not yet turned a profitable business due to poor online video monetization. We all know how big YouTube is(ranks 3rd after Google and Yahoo) and how fast online video industry is growing as we are all contributing in it(by creating videos and putting them online) But let's face it...No matter how popular online video sites are,they are not making BIG money for the owners. To cope up with the growing expectations of users and high competition,online video sites such as Veoh,Metacafe,Revision3 and our pet YouTube were putting best of their efforts. Counting from 'simultaneous video streaming'(which takes a big toll on server expenses) to

WORKetc enters arena of ‘Business management services’

WORKetc is a small business management service that helps a business, its employees to work together more efficiently including tools such as billing, helpdesk, lead management and reporting. In their own words
WORKetc is your total business management solution.And as these tools seamlessly integrate with one another at a single location,you'll quickly benefit from real efficiencies
Here are cluster of features that WORKetc serves you with...
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