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What startup folks can learn from Alice’s founders

Alice stealth startup at the moment has just announced a $4.3 million financing round,led jointly by private equity angel funds Kegonsa Capital Partners and DaneVest Tech Fund. The founders of Alice,Brian Wiegand and Mark McGuire have earlier managed to sell out their three startups(the last one,Jellyfish(social search engine ) to Microsoft) in the past decade and are looking all set with As the startup is in stealth mode right now,you will hardly find any information about the service they are going to offer.They have planned for a closed beta release in January and a full public release in March 2009. According to whatever they have written on the site,Alice seems like an online retail service for consumer stuff,focussed on linking household stuff manufacturers like toilet papers & trash bags to end consumers directly.

Summing up “Web 2.0 Summit 2008”

As Web 2.0 Summit 2008 event (Nov 5-7,2008) is well over,we thought about doing an overall brush-up of the event.Here is a quick round-up of all that was worth noting at this tech event.

Max Levchin(Slide) started a discussion on “The Platform Advantage” at the Web 2.0 Summit. Participants included Vic Gundotra(Google),David Treadwell(Microsoft),Elliot Schrage(Facebook) and Amit Kapur(MySpace).

The talk initiated with a basic outlook of 'Platform',going deeper afterwards.Amit pointed that "A platform has to create an ecosystem that includes a core base of users, tools to build applications, and an advertising network to monetize the platform"

SpeakToMe offers an ‘Unusual’ way to monetize your blog/site traffic

How to earn extra money on internet SpeakToMe. SpeakToMe offers an 'Unusual' way to monetize your blog/site traffic

Most of the bloggers/online experts spend time updating their blogs/sites to someday become eligible for making decent money online through advertisements(be it Google Ads,third party or any other).

But only a sleek percentage of folks actually taste high payout through blogs/sites,that to after long and consistent efforts.One of the major reasons behind this is the the low CPM rates in online advertising.

As the payout is quite low,the blogs/sites need to build high traffic before earning considerable money out of their traction.So,what about those blogs/sites having few thousand uniques(inspite of good expertise/knowledge bank of the blogger) ? Is there any way out for bloggers to earn big with relatively low traffic ?

SpeakToMe has tried to solve this problem.It basically lets you try a new advertising system which does not involve any advertisers.It provides you with a widget complemented with a webcam,chat room,telephony and ecommerce capabilities

Weekly Flashback !

As the first week of november wraps up,here's what you guys read the 'most' on TechPluto last week(that's what stats say..) …………………………………………………… Here’s what made PDC2008 event happening !!! The event(October 27-30) disclosed some of the most talked about projects of Microsoft(including Windows 7) and overall,the event has somewhat indicated Microsoft’s intentions of dominating online business landscapes from...more …………………………………………………… It’s probable that you’ve misunderstood “Cloud Computing” till now… Your entire data and all the services are hosted on high capacity servers and you get to access the data & services whenever you want through Internet(or Cloud).That’s why cloud computing is also referred to as “On demand computing”...more

Promote your blog and help a noble cause with Bloggersmosaic

 Bloggersmosaic is a website that lets you put your photo over their homepage,with your photo linking to your blog Are you an avid blogger and keep looking for easy ways to promote your blog....! If 'Yes' then give BloggersMosaic a try.It's a website that lets you put your photo over their homepage,with your photo linking to your blog. Being on a homepage gives you more exposure to an unexplored audience. You are just required to buy a spot for yourself on the homepage and you pay according to the size of your photo.It will cost you $0.25 per pixel(if personal blog) and $0.5 per pixel(if corporate blog).And you need to pay once FOREVER. The noble part is that a tree is planted whenever a blogger joins the system.Hence when you pay to buy a spot,you are also paying a small chunk to get a tree planted.

Jason Calacanis’s recent email : “The Future of Startups”

Jason Calacanis Jason Calacanis email titled 'the  future of startups'. Subscribe to Jasin's email list and read a lot of interesting mail. If you haven't subscribed to Jason's email list till now then better subscribe it now itself.Must say,it's worth subscribing.I truly appreciate,not just his insight into web technology but also his ability to write such long(really long) emails to his subscribers with hardly any uninteresting stuff. And after going through his recent mail titled "The Future of Startups",you can certainly visualise the technology trends/changes that have happened so far and the changes that may happen in the time to come. So,here is a very short summary of his long mail titled "The Future of Startups"(specially helpful to those who have less time but still want themselves to be updated with jason's knowledge bank). And it's not republishing at all.Have a look !

Google abruptly pulls out of the Ad deal with Yahoo!

Google dumped Yahoo's Deal The Yahoo advertisement deal has been dumped by Google. The description about it is given below. Jerry Yang may be thinking this moment "Oh my God...The BIG deal is OVER !" and all the expectations of Yahoo! from this deal appear deep dumped by Google. 'Google-Yahoo! Ad deal' was possibly the biggest hope of Yahoo! for the past few months,not just for the company's shareholders but also for every Y! employee who was wishing a "secured" future for the company(even if they themselves are not secure). Specially when Yahoo was negotiating with Microsoft over company's worth,the only 'pseudo' support behind dishonouring MS acquisition proposal was 'expected Ad deal' with Google  to get Y! profits back on track and therefore increase in Yahoo!'s overall worth.

And the ‘All-Muscle’ indian celebrity blogger is….

Here's the Aamir khan blog stats. Indian celebrities are yet to wake up to their online presence in a serious way as just a handful of actors have their official websites and selected few blog regularly to connect with their fans online. But two of the most popular celebrities who've also been blogging for quite a while and have talked about their blogs in public several times are Amitabh bachchan(hosted on BIGAdda) and Aamir Khan And if you haven't paid a visit to Aamir's blog for a while then go visit it as his latest 'All Muscle' avatar is right there at the homepage.This also makes him the most popular and the most muscular celebrity blogger of India. Although,Aamir is still to reveal his blog stats

Google-Yahoo! deal reshaped for US Govt acceptance

The article enlists the Yahoo Google deal effects. Google-Yahoo! deal has just been revised to tunnel through government's issues with the deal. This simply means that Yahoo! has much less financial interests left in the deal and therefore they will have to keep putting their efforts into their own search advertising system. Specially the two year tenure will actually give opportunity to Yahoo! to improve their services and discontinue the deal whenever they feel like.A deal for a decade could be a long-term pain for Yahoo!. Although Google-Yahoo! deal is suspected to be affected by the US election results but such chances are slim by our judgement.
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