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800Notes helps you track unknown callers…

800Notes how to track unknown callers. It is a web community collects unlisted phone numbers used by businesses and helps the community only by creating a resource of such unwanted callers Are you fed up of unwanted calls you receive from telemarketers,loan agents,scheme sellers etc and you often call back to confirm if the last missed call you had from an unknown number was urgent or crap... If you're the one bearing all this then wouldn't you want a service to let you know who was the one behind that 'unknown' number without dialing the number back ? If yes then 800Notes can serve as a pain-killer to your problem... 800Notes maintains the largest online database of unpublished business numbers and is dedicated to doing just that.The web community collects unlisted phone numbers used by businesses and today,800Notes's users have something to celebrate... They have identified more than 100,000 UNKNOWN callers. The majority of the phone numbers used by banks, credit unions, insurance companies

“Who should be your next employer ?” Confused !! Go Jobeehive…

JobeeHive is a unique community platform for professionals, which brings career information (reviews, ratings, salaries) on companies If you are a working professional with a question "Where should I go next ? " then Jobeehive can definitely help you out for taking a wise career decision... Jobeehive is a place where people anonymously review their past/current employer and get to read the similar kind of reviews about other companies from their employees.This way,the community shares its actual experience and helps creating a place which serves as a transparent and guiding platform for all its contributors to help them decide their "would be" company. In their own words
JobeeHive is a unique community platform for professionals, which brings career information (reviews, ratings, salaries) on companies and industries along with professional networking.
Apart from basic concerns like hiring process,work culture,senior management etc,it also provides rare salary information that helps professionals understand salaries,benefits and

Why TechCrunch seems like F**kedCompany nowadays…

The article explains the startup layoff of TechCrunch.  All the guys following TechCrunch can definitely realise a sudden rise in posts reporting laying offs,startup shutdowns,financial crisis,founder give-ups and similar stuff in the month of October... Starting from a post reporting eBay's layoff(1500 employees) on Oct 3 and continuing till now(7 layoff reported on a single day,Oct 17),this trend is not looking to end so soon.TC has even created a Layoff Tracker(to keep an account of all such layoffs) This situation(may be called bubble 2.0 climax) reminds me of dot com bubble when cluster of dot-coms went bankrupt and laying off some staff members used to be one of the ways to cut costs and prolong the survival period of startups. That time F**kedCompany played the role of a "reporter" to doomed/troubled dot-coms and this time,TechCrunch is looking to play the 'lead role' in reporting crippled state of tech/IT world. The only difference lies in the approach...

Hibernater Review

hibernater Hibernater is about the concept of bringing hibernation onto Internet by saving and resuming work states easily This is something which will prove very useful for those who are addicted to desktop PCs(and not portables). Just imagine how convenient it would be if you are able to hibernate(kinda freeze) your documents & websites(in opened state) at your office PC and resume it back with just one click at your home PC or any other computer. This is what hibernater empowers you with.Hibernater is all about the concept of bringing hibernation onto Internet by saving and resuming work states easily. The main benefit is not just saving time spent on emailing many files and retrieving them but Hibernater also protects you against unintentional overwriting of files. This benefit alone can help many people save time and avoid frustration. This Singapore based startup

Have a idea that serves public interest ? Upto $5 Million awaits you…

Knight News Challenge is giving away upto $5 Million for funding bright ideas that will serve public interest Knight Foundation is hosting 'Knight News Challenge',a social effort to encourage ideas that have the capability and novelty of serving public interest but require funds to get them implemented. They're giving away around $5 Million in 2009 for the development and distribution of neighborhood and community-focused projects,services, and programs. You're a right candidate for this challenge if you have a idea that will improve local online news, deepen community engagement, bring Web 2.0 tools to local neighborhoods, develop publishing platforms and standards to support local conversations or innovate how we visualize, experience or interact with information. Applications will be taken till November 1, 2008 so hurry if you think you're the ONE and haven't participated yet.There's

AdMatchup lets you advertise(P2P way) for FREE….Effective ?

Advertisement for free Admatchup. Admatchup lets you advertise for free by letting others advertise on your site. AdMatchup is an implementation of an interesting  concept....Doing "P2P for advertisements" and making the Ad system FREE to use. Armin Bahramshahry,the lead developer and founder of this website describes AdMatchup as a method to advertise one's website for FREE.Users signup and begin advertising for one another,they receive points as they advertise for others and those points are used towards advertisement for their website. Operating since Oct 1,it has 22+ websites registered on its platform and gearing up for more participation in the time to come. Few such systems based on FREE advertising through mutual sharing have been there already but didn't work out

Scrumy lets you manage tasks/projects with no hassles

Scrumy project management tool(Scrum) lets you manage your tasks/projects efficiently with no hassles. Scrumy is a project management tool(Scrum) which lets you manage your tasks/projects efficiently with no hassles.It gives you an easy to use ajax based interface which lets you collaboratively use it with your friends/peers to manage daily tasks/projects. This illinois based startup has three founders(Robert Brend, Dan Kordik, Mike O'Malley) working for it and this is how they describe their product... In their own words
Scrumy is a simple and intuitive way to do Scrum project management. At its core, Scrumy is a virtual taskboard, and is free. Scrumy Pro has more Scrum-specific features like multiple sprints, burndown charts, and daily snapshots
The entire procedure to create a project on scrumy is very simple.It lets you create a story(sort of a goal) and add related tasks to that story.You can categorize those tasks into 'To do', 'In progress', 'Verify' & 'Done'.You can create multiple stories(goals) within a single project.Check out a demo

Wix raises $3.5 Million more…proving its worth quite well

Wix has recently raised $3.5 Mn in funding making a total funding of $8.5Mn till now.They are having steady growth till now. Wix,a flash website builder service which we reviewed earlier has recently raised $3.5 Million from Mangrove Capital Partners and Bessemer Venture Partners,making its overall funding total to $8.5 Million. When we reviewed this web service in May,2008,Wix was in closed beta but its product was strong enough to let us realise its worth at that time itself.It proposed a solution to the core problem of flash websites-'SEO unfriendliness',by making the content of the website crawlable by search engines. In our recent post titled Website designing for beginners,we listed Wix and few other website building services(Weebly,Synthasite,Snappages) which can really help naive users create professional websites within no time. Today,Wix is serving more than 2,00,000

Style up yourself with !

RestyleMe is the ultimate style advice community website. Restyleme fashion advice gives users quick, precise, and effective style advice. This is surely for all the 'style conscious' girls/guys who are always keen to seek style advices from their friends and peers.And it's definitely a meaningful attempt by a fashion oriented website to utilize the power of social web to effectively generate styling advices for the users of the site by other peers. RestyleMe,a fashion oriented website lets you upload your photographs and receive positive-negative comments through the community over your looks,clothing,hairs,accessories and whatever that matters in styling one's appearance. But here,you don't get a vague responses that you usually receive from your friends on your social network,which doesn't help you improvise your looks in any way. Here,the peers can mark a particular area of your
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