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How to reduce Startup expenses

 Everyone wants to save as much as money while going for a startup. This article will provide you a bunch of tips to reduce startup expenses & avoid layoffs. We've earlier reported startups/company layoff news here and here but as such layoffs have become so frequent now that it's no more a news but just an obvious reaction to the troubled economy. As of now, more than 20,000 employees working at tech startups/companies have lost their job and this figure may exceed one's wildest expectations in the coming months. Seeing the current situation, we decided to put forward a bunch of tips for startup guys & entrepreneurs to avoid "painful layoffs" and still survive this crunch period... Have a look at this eleven tips !

We’ve turned 100 !

Hi there, We are glad to tell you that we've just turned 100... In other words,this is the 100th post on TechPluto and a definite moment of achievement(although minor) for me and the guest editors who poured in their knowledge over this small tech planet (Pluto!). So far,we profiled numerous startups,wrote about web technologies,gadgets,apps,latest tech trends,events,acquisitions and much more  Technology Jounalism has been a satisfying experience for editors at TechPluto so far and the intelligent and active audience(225+ comments so far) has just taken our enthusiasm to a higher level. Since our 'broader tech coverage' from the month of september,we're getting decent traction from

Android Market vs App Store : The fight is ON !

The 'Android Market' is ready to take on 'App Store' but Google is looking a bit conserved in approach at this front. The approach in case of Android's app market inaugural remained quite different to App Store's launch.Android Market,at the time of launch showcased just 62 applications compared to 552 iPhone apps at the launch of App store but one thing that remained a critical concern for Google during this launch was the delivery of 'high utility apps'(that's why the count wasn't high). But iPhone is probable to be the ultimate winner in this area as the developers have built such a huge inventory of iPhone apps in very short span which may not be replicated with equal enthusiasm by developers community in case of

Layoff continues,It’s Yahoo! this time…So who’s next ?

Jerry Yang recently wrote an e-mail to all his employees intimating the tentative Yahoo layoff of alteast 10% of all his staff So dot-com biggies have started their weight-loosing programme in full blow... Keeping small-sized companies/startups aside,ebay was the one who inaugurated layoff bandwagon among the godzilla companies and next to follow is Yahoo!. Jerry Yang recently wrote an e-mail to all his employees intimating the tentative layoff of alteast 10% of all his staff to achieve company's goal of annual cost rate reduction of roughly $3.9 billion by more than $400 million before the end of 2008. In his mail,he tossed some words of consolation to the "would be ex-Yahoos" like "We are committed to treating affected employees fairly, offering severance and outplacement services" but such words of formality can hardly console any Yahooer at this moment. But Yahoo! just can't help it...

Inkfruit clubs ‘Artistic designers’ and ‘Style fanatics’ (Special !)

inkfruit Inkfruit is a place for people to submit, discover and buy amazing custom T-shirt designs created by artists from around the world.  If you are a young lad and love sporting funky tees then InkFruit may satisfy your soul the most... Inkfruit is India's first online democratic community T-shirt brand till date (and probably the most successful as well) Inkfruit is an Indian portal for awesome T-shirts. It is also a platform for individual designers to submit designs, get acclaim,win prizes and have fun ! In their own words
Inkfruit is a place for people to submit, discover and buy amazing custom T-shirt designs created by artists from around the world. Based around an ongoing T-shirt design contest, all of the designs you see on Inkfruit have been submitted by our community
People submit their earth shattering design ideas for T-shirts. These designs are then

T-Mobile G1 is available now

T-mobile G1 Google Android powered T-mobile G1 had been launched on Oct 22, 2008. Here is the complete detail about it. If you're a U.S. resident(lucky !) then there's hardly any reason left not to give G1 a try(ask the desperate G1 fans outside U.S.) Comparisons to iPhone3G are inevitable and it's already proven(even before G1's public release) that iPhone will now have to battle against its real killer(all other Smartphones look technologically backward now !) And yes,Oct 22 is going be remembered for many events happening for the first time. Take a look...

Teachmate : A place where currency to learn is ‘Knowledge’

Teachmate is a service that maps you with a mate on the basis of geographical location and the 'skill' you want to learn(and that same 'skill' the mate can teach) So you want to learn something...and not just physics or statistics but things like guitar,salsa,cooking or anything else but you also don't want to spend even a penny over it...then ? Try Teachmate ! It's a non-profit service that maps you with another mate registered on their website on the basis of your geographical location and the 'skill' you want to learn(and that same 'skill' the mate can teach). But as you're not willing to spend(and that's what this service wants you to),you have to teach something that you are good at(and that same 'skill' your mate is looking for). According to Techmate's founder,Roman Snitko

800Notes helps you track unknown callers…

800Notes how to track unknown callers. It is a web community collects unlisted phone numbers used by businesses and helps the community only by creating a resource of such unwanted callers Are you fed up of unwanted calls you receive from telemarketers,loan agents,scheme sellers etc and you often call back to confirm if the last missed call you had from an unknown number was urgent or crap... If you're the one bearing all this then wouldn't you want a service to let you know who was the one behind that 'unknown' number without dialing the number back ? If yes then 800Notes can serve as a pain-killer to your problem... 800Notes maintains the largest online database of unpublished business numbers and is dedicated to doing just that.The web community collects unlisted phone numbers used by businesses and today,800Notes's users have something to celebrate... They have identified more than 100,000 UNKNOWN callers. The majority of the phone numbers used by banks, credit unions, insurance companies

“Who should be your next employer ?” Confused !! Go Jobeehive…

JobeeHive is a unique community platform for professionals, which brings career information (reviews, ratings, salaries) on companies If you are a working professional with a question "Where should I go next ? " then Jobeehive can definitely help you out for taking a wise career decision... Jobeehive is a place where people anonymously review their past/current employer and get to read the similar kind of reviews about other companies from their employees.This way,the community shares its actual experience and helps creating a place which serves as a transparent and guiding platform for all its contributors to help them decide their "would be" company. In their own words
JobeeHive is a unique community platform for professionals, which brings career information (reviews, ratings, salaries) on companies and industries along with professional networking.
Apart from basic concerns like hiring process,work culture,senior management etc,it also provides rare salary information that helps professionals understand salaries,benefits and

Why TechCrunch seems like F**kedCompany nowadays…

The article explains the startup layoff of TechCrunch.  All the guys following TechCrunch can definitely realise a sudden rise in posts reporting laying offs,startup shutdowns,financial crisis,founder give-ups and similar stuff in the month of October... Starting from a post reporting eBay's layoff(1500 employees) on Oct 3 and continuing till now(7 layoff reported on a single day,Oct 17),this trend is not looking to end so soon.TC has even created a Layoff Tracker(to keep an account of all such layoffs) This situation(may be called bubble 2.0 climax) reminds me of dot com bubble when cluster of dot-coms went bankrupt and laying off some staff members used to be one of the ways to cut costs and prolong the survival period of startups. That time F**kedCompany played the role of a "reporter" to doomed/troubled dot-coms and this time,TechCrunch is looking to play the 'lead role' in reporting crippled state of tech/IT world. The only difference lies in the approach...
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