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Seth Godin – The ‘One Man Army’ of Blogosphere

Seth Godin Although Seth Godin is an infrequent and the blogger on this blog, Seth Godin blog still ranks 17 on Technorati as an authoritative and popular blog. Technorati stats for this year are out...(better elaboration here) Going by the statistics,top 100 bloggers(or blogging entities) blog 310 posts every month(10+ posts a day).And most of the blogs in the Top 100 list on Technorati are Multi-authored blogs to support such a high frequency of blog posts. Huffingtonpost, Techcrunch, Mashable and many others follow the same rule of multi-authorship to produce huge quantities of posts everyday. But there is one exceptional blog(which is not even hosted on a dedicated server) that ranks 17 on Technorati but authored by just one blogger. That blogger also defies the fact of high frequency of posts(10+ posts) as he posts at a frequency of just one post a day. He is Seth Godin...The 'One Man Army' of Blogophere So,what are the reasons behind his unusual blog performance....? We have listed few of them...Take a look !

Website Design Services

Website builders are tools that most of the people prefer nowadays to create their own website. This article enlists best 4 of such websites. Web builder tools have been there for years to make self-designing of websites feasible and easier for nerds.But the outcome of such tools has always been non-professional. But the new generation website-building services have completely changed the old scenario.With technologies such as Flash & Ajax,the user interface has become very interactive and the outcome is as good as a professionally designed website. So,here is our compilation where you will get to see four excellent website building services(for non-techies) that have greatly impressed with their features and functionalities... One of these services called 'Wix' has already been covered by us earlier. 1.................................................................



Android powered HTC Dream Press

The T Mobile G1 was the first Android powered Smartphone, released on October 22,2008. Information about T Mobile G1 is given below: So finally, the much anticipated Android powered HTC Dream has stepped into Gizmo World(press-released only) and Apple has plenty of reasons to worry about...

HTC Dream

First,it will cost only $179 (damn cheap for a Smartphone) compared to the iPhone's $199. Second,this T-Mobile Smartphone will be free on

Microsoft is a ‘Looser’ but still a ‘Winner’ !

mac-vs-pcWhen we compare Microsoft and Apple, Microsoft wins just because they have kept their ethics alive. This article will compare the both of them. Apple has always branded Mac as a Cool chap's digital accessory and highlighted PC(indirectly Microsoft Windows) as an orthodox guy's choice. And the features of Mac outshine Windows in majority of the areas (especially in user experience). But Microsoft is still the OS Monopolist due to its deep roots and hardware independency. The so-called Mac vs PC war started from day one of Mac's launch and this always pushed Microsoft to produce better successor of Windows year after year. The war is still on's less about better features,more usability,cheaper cost etc now but more about killer branding,viral marketing and a lot of Advertising. Microsoft has went on to spend(rather burn) $300 Mn on an aggressive marketing campaign for Windows Vista. And most of you must have
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