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Google is trying HARD to save Orkut !

Once Orkut was the best social networking sites, mainly in India and Brazil, but things are changing now. This article will tell you about Orkut Monetization. However Orkut isn't a prominent social networking site in U.S. and Europe but when the stats are compared worldwide, Orkut seems to be a frontrunner in its arena. Orkut majorly dominates Brazilian and Indian market. In India, there are local competitors like Bigadda and ibibo which are also fueling big bucks into their systems but Orkut is unarguably the winner of young Indian hearts. But this Google's service is still struggling for the monetary returns it was looking for.The ROI of Orkut is below expectations and there are rumors that Google may eventually shut down Orkut (like Yahoo's recent shutdown of their social networking service 'Mash') or rather sell it out to a local business player (Indian or Brazilian).There are a number of factors which lead a social network to a poor ROI and consequent shutdown that we have already covered here But one thing that forces Google to keep floating in the social networking market is the future growth and worth of internet population of Indians and Brazilians. Its also the only Google's representative in the social networking sector.Hence,Google is trying its level hard to survive this crunch situation. Advertisements,being the only

Android Operating System Review

Android devices are on boom because of the large application base it currently have. This article will tell you what is Android? Android is a software heap for mobile handsets which packages an OS(operating system), central layer and purpose driven programs and applications. Buzz about 'Android' is everywhere and millions of eyes are waiting for Google's debut in Mobile phone Industry but there are still many guys who don't really know what "Android" is all about,its background and about its launchpad "HTC Dream" & related details.So,here's our first Dummies guide( branding !) which briefs up everything about Android. ......................................... What is Android ? Android Logo A software heap for mobile handsets which packages an OS(operating system),central layer and purpose driven programs/applications.Android SDK(Software Development Kit)being just a 'beta level OS' comes with the tools,APIs and instruction guide necessary to start developing applications on the Android platform using Java as the only programming language. ......................................... Origin of Android Android Inc. was a small startup based at Palo Alto,CA.It was led by Andy Rubin(Co-founder of Danger) followed by Rich Miner,Nick Sears(ex-VP at T-Mobile), and Chris White.They basically used to develop softwares for mobile handsets. As Google was planning to enter the mobile phone market,they purchased their entry ticket by acquiring Android Inc. in July 2005.The Android team at Google is

Why ‘Plurking’ is more FUN than ‘Tweeting’ !

Plurk is currently a less popular but Plurk will grow steadily and will prove more engaging. This article will tell you why to choose Plurk over Twitter. When it comes to micro-blogging,then Twitter is the service that completely rules.It has by far,the maximum micro-bloggers of the web,specially when it is compared with some other competitors like Friendfeed and Plurk,which also offer a similar concept. The traffic graph from Compete clearly shows the leader and the struggles in the micro - blogging arena...

Graph compare

I've been using all these three services(Twitter,friendfeed and Plurk) and have spent minimum time with Plurk(just over a week) and maximum with twitter(for obvious reasons). But there are a couple of things which make Plurk much more engaging than Twitter and hence more FUN Let's have a look

Some ‘Good’ solutions for cluttered Craigslist…

CraigsToolbox that lets you browse your very own craigslist with images. Here are some good solutions for cluttered Craigslist. Seven days back,there was a post written right here  on TechPluto titled "Five popular websites that desperately need a re-design".And the number one spot was graced by none other than Craigslist. We aren't saying that they are come up with a re-designed CL version but somebody else(CLHack) has done something good for CL visitors in this regard. CLHack pulls in craigslist listings and displays them all in the form of images.This lets users browse the listings in a comfortable manner. But,this service may not stay up and running for long as the name of the website says it all(CLHack-CraigsList Hack)..It has high tendency of getting banned by Craigslist. But in any case,service is good(CL should better buy out this service for public's sake)..One thing is missing..The data available on CLHack belongs to U.S. and Canada only(they may fetch other countries data soon).

A Myth Buster : AdWords is NOT the brainchild of Google !

There is a myth about Google that it replicated Overture's concept for online advertising and presented it with a cluster of improvements naming it AdWords. Google is a great company and people love their products and services. In the internet space, whatever Google touched has turned Silver(if not gold).They have their active services in the majority of the fields on the web and they can surely be called as "Crocodile of Internet"(the king of its pond). So,what's that one product/service that made Google where it actually is right now ? Is it 'Google Images','Google News','Orkut','YouTube','Blogger','Gmail','Google Books','Picasa','Google Docs','GTalk' or 'Chrome' ? Or is it the "Google Search" that made Google rock its unconventional IPO and create an unprecedented worth(both money and assets) ? No,it's not even Google Search....

Flex vs Silverlight : Best among both

Flex and Silverlight are best among their users. But when it comes to the best of both then there must be a winner. The complete description is given below. Adobe was having a real good time before Silverlight's debut. Microsoft lovers(rest were already into Adobe services right from dreamweaver to Flash to ColdFusion) didn't have any option but to go for Flash/Flex for developing RIAs(Rich Internet Application),but with Silverlight,the MS community is on a high because they've got an 'easy to grab' option over flex and they're simply lovin it...Flex vs Silverlight However Flash is ubiquitous but Silverlight is making up the gap quite faster.There is a strong possibility that Windows 7 (the successor of Vista) may come with Silverlight pre-installed. Both the competitors best the other one in some areas or the other.Let's have a look....

Are Indian startups really visible at International level ?

Asians at techcrunch50. Indians are far behind when it comes to realizing their presence at international level in the field of technology. Are indians far behind when it comes to realizing their presence at international level in the field of technology(specially web technologies)....? We need no facts to prove that the situation seems quite pathetic for indians in this regard at the moment. Most of the indians who play a critical role in any startup(CEO,CTO etc) that hits bull's eye in international market are NRIs(Non-resident Indians).They actually don't represent their startup as an 'Indian startup'. And those who represent themselves as 'Indian startups' find it hard to make it big because of limited media coverage,deficient funds,narrow resources and similar other reasons. TechCrunch50,an event that really MATTERS in the tech industry happened this week(from monday to wednesday) and there were around 52 companies that were shortlisted for this grand event. The event was live
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