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Yammer TechCrunch50 winner has been a BIG disappointment

Yammer Techcrunch50 winner has already been chosen. The reason why the winners decision was a disappointment are given below. First of all,let the confession go first....tc50logo_thumb We admire TechCrunch because of the content it delivers with almost no 'silent'(NO hot discussions) period.And our level of enthusiasm was above average when TC50 was going on..BUT,the results(the winner of TC50) came as a BIG UPSET after such an well-hyped event(as we all say,"all's well that ends well" but here the end wasn't that "well") TC50 had a neck-to-neck competition with DEMO and they were scoring pointing over DEMO in many ways,but the results have really disappointed not just us but a lot of guys keeping an eagle eye over this event.. And let's not forget the so called "winners" of this's Yammer This is how TC briefs up the winner of TC50... "Yammer is Twitter with a business model,created by an existing company,Geni,to scratch its own itch.Yammer takes the familiar Twitter messaging system and applies it to internal corporate communications.There is such a huge demand for this type of service that 10,000 people and 2,000 organizations signed up for the service the first day it launched on Monday.Anyone with a

Five popular websites which desperately need a re-design

Poor design of a website not only affects users using their services but also makes them jump to another website. 5 of the poorly design websites are. We doubt if they care about 'it' or not(as they don't seem to) and they are already popular(if not ubiquitous) in their respective fields without giving a damn to 'it' but we believe they need 'it'...and by 'it',we mean........... a "Re-design" So,today,we thought to go through the bulk of popular websites and filter out five of them which seriously need a "Re-design".This will not only help their users find a lot of ease in using their services but will also help them jump to even higher peaks of traffic. So,here goes the list.... ---1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This website attracts hundreds of millions of visitors every month as it serves as a local classified for more than 500 cities in 50 countries.It was founded in the early days of web and survived the dot-com bubble stage as well. Today,when Web 3.0 is on its way,this website still appears like the same old 1995 web service.

Myngle Review

Here's Myngle reviews. Myngle is a site where users learn new languages. Myngle offers students and teachers in different locations with all the tools needed for synchronous e-learning It's good to see that e-learning sector is emerging really fast and every facet of learning is getting technology support so that a global approach can be followed in education sector as well. An area which has been typecasted as an "offline only" facet in educatiom1.jpgn sector is "Foreign language learning".There have been very limited attempts to create a intelligent online marketplace for foreign language learning till date.One of such attempts is Myngle(another is edufire,which we covered recently).
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Myngle,an Amsterdam based startup,which is led by Marina Tognetti started its operations in december 2007 with an angel funding of $1.1 Mn.So far,it appears that they have made a smart utilization of the money they fed into the system.The website is easy to use and the tools provided for language learning look intelligent enough. In their own words,

5 reasons why not to buy an iPhone 3G

iPhone 3G is already launched in India and there are some reasons why it is not worthy of purchasing. Some of the reasons are given below. Disclaimer : This write-up is intended for our Indian readership only and all the reasons have been listed taking the indian market into consideration. iPhone3G has certainly redefined the meaning of the term "phone" in many ways.From 3.5 inches widescreen experience to seamless web browsing,from superb GPS navigation to endless apps for numerous purposes,the features are just too much to explain.iPhone3G lets you use it for surfing, email, blogging,video conferencing,live videocasting and much more...and the best part is its price,which is just $199.iphone3g.jpg Sounds superb BUT not for Indians at all... As Indians couldn't be neglected anymore (because of a growing economy and consequently the buying capacity of Indians),Vodafone and Airtel,the two Indian telecom giants decided to bring the much-awaited iPhone 3G to India. They rolled out advertisements on TV & newspapers to announce their plans of launching iPhone3G in India (with no mention of any date) and persuaded Indian consumers to book an iPhone for themselves(for free,by just filling out a form).This was mainly to analyze the expected market for iPhone3G in India. They received an overwhelming response with this act and went further to finally launch it on Aug 22,2008.Since that day, all the iPhone 3G hype that was created has been literally busted

Educational Websites For Teachers

To teach the students about the latest technology; teachers must learn them first. This article will provide some of the educational websites for teachers. To make this year's Teacher's day special for our readers (expecting at least a few teachersteacher pic within our readership domain),we have come up with a list of websites which are making a significant(if not great) contribution in the field of education of different sorts. But there is one thing that remains common among all the sites that have made it to this list... They are all e-learning 2.0 websites,which means they are open(unlike closed,transaction based systems),community fueled(unlike tutor sourced) and employ Web 3.0 technologies to execute their mission(and that's actually a special and unique thing about this list). They defy the old methods of learning on the web and have certainly achieved their goals to an remarkable extent. So,here goes the list :

“Addoursearch” Review

Addoursearch is a web app that lets your web site or blog's visitors searadd1.jpgch your site directly from their browser's built-in search feature Addoursearch is a web app that lets your web site or blog's visitors searadd1.jpgch your site directly from their browser's built-in search feature. is a free service and requires no registration to participate. The good part is a hassle-free procedure to get this widget.Users simply complete a online form with their site information and are then presented with a small snippet of code. When this code snippet is installed in a web page, it generates a small image or "badge" similar to popular bookmark and RSS buttons commonly found on web sites and blogsadd2.jpg. Addoursearch is Web's first browser search plugin service.It opened its services on June 5th,2008,and within two months(little more than this) of its launch,it has already got a million badges out of its factory. According to Troy Peterson,the founder/developer of his Duluth based startup,"the widget is easy to install by any visitor to your site/blog and hence serves your site with an easy way to get searched by your visitor" The area where Addoursearch will find it tough to survive is

Most Influential Professions on the Web

Profession is what defines the career of an indivdual. Some of the most influential professions on the web are creating a new breed of web entrepreneurs. Nowadays,you will find a huge number of people(kids included) striving to become a Famed Blogger,Pro Digger, a Social media expert or a Hacker Gone are those days when a 14 yr old child used to study day & night to cherish his dream,and by the word "Dream" we mean "Engineer","Scientist",Manager and endless list of other conventional professionals. The "New age buds" have a sort of "unusual" dreams now...(that's what their parents say !) Nowadays,you will find a huge number of people(kids included) striving to become a "Famed Blogger",a "Professional Digger", a "Social media expert" or a "Hacker" and they have reasons for it... All these "New Age Professions"(Yup!,today,they are all full fleshed professions) are making news all over and influencing the Web(as well as daily life) like never before. So,here is a list (with a brief-up) of five such professions which are the "Dream" of a young blood today

Mozilla launches TraceMonkey- A faster Engine

Mozilla has launched a new engine called Tracemonkey, which makes Mozilla faster than Chrome. The complete detail is down below. Now that's really getting interesting. We just made a comparison between Chrome and IE8 and the hot favorite(before Chrome's launch) Mozilla is getting envious due to a ubiquitous applaud that the Chrome is receiving,from the entire blogosphere. mozilla1.jpg And that's why they are back !...Not with an upgraded Mozilla but with a sneak peak at the Mozilla's next delivery Mozilla 3.1. According to one if their coders Brendan Eich,
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