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Chrome vs IE8 : The best among both

IE8, despite being much improved and evolved than its previous version has been completely overshadowed by the recent launch of Chrome. Word of Caution : I strongly discourage any wannapreneur to even think of 'building a browser' as a startup idea because there are just too many options in the "browser market" already and interestingly, every new browser is setting a new standard in this "over-crowded" market. Microsoft's latest installment IE8, and Google's first web browser, Chrome (download from here, if not done yet), being the latest two in this sector are grabbing all the limelight these days.


A browser is basically a "Gateway to Internet" to any web user and hence technology giants are right there, building simplified(for us,but complex for them) web browsers to gain/retain their market share in this unending "Browser War".

IE8,despite being much improved and evolved than its previous version has been completely overshadowed by the recent launch of Chrome

“Techlusive” is NO MORE ! A Mysterious Shutdown at its peak…

techlusive3.jpg 'Techlusive',a Canada based technology blog has shut its doors indefinitely without any reason or whatsoever today Just a couple of hours ago, 'Techlusive',a Canada based technology blog has shut its doors indefinitely without any reason or whatsoever.Chris R,the primary blogger at Techlusive was frequently blogging on Techlusive with his fellow blogger(s) before this unusual shutdown. This is the message they are showing up right now : techlusive2.jpg This blog started off on June 29,2008 and saw a sudden rise in its traffic(+15K unique visitors) in the month of July,which is obviously good in any case. "Techlusive" according to us was a

What is Web 3.0 Technology ?

Web 3.0 is defined as the creation of high-quality content and services produced by gifted individuals using Web 2.0 technology as an enabling platform.

Web 2.0 has been there for quite a while and now it's Web 3.0 which pweb 3.0eople wants to hear about but has there been any service oriented to Web 3.0 by far and what actually is this "Web 3.0" ?

According to Calacanis, "Web 3.0 is defined as the creation of high-quality content and services produced by gifted individuals using Web 2.0 technology as an enabling platform" Some other folks call it "A Semantic Web"(holds true to a large extent). Our perspective : "High quality content is already there on the web(mostly hidden,poorly indexed) but the issue is regarding the platforms which let the high quality content come out at the top. All such platforms, eg. Squidoo, Hubpages, Helium, eHow and hundreds of others (Wikipedia,being an exception,focussing majorly on the content) care more about the quantity and less about the quality of the content.Only a meagre chunk of their "content bank" is actually 'rich' in value. High quality content isn't a perogative of "gifted individuals only".It can

‘cuil’ might be the Next Microsoft Acquisition…!

If  'cuil' refines its search indexing and Microsoft plans to acquire it and fight out with Live-cuil against Google,they may win against the current dominant

There has already been a lot of talks of cuil's claims and then it's performance from Day 1 of their launch but one thing is crystal clear...

It certainly takes a lot of guts to even think of competing in a market(we mean,online search industry),which is already been over-saturated and even bigger guts to challenge the 'Titan of Internet Industry' on its homeground. pic11.jpg'Cuil' was in the limelight much before it's month old release(Launch date : 27th July) for solely one reason...they were openly challenging the 'Whale of Search Industry' and were claiming to make searching even more intense,effective,deeper and gruelling.

Whoever has tasted this 'shouting kid' in the past month must

The Mystery behind Yahoo’s “!” Exclamation Mark…

Yahoo mystery behind exclamation mark. It was a forced decision to add an exclamation mark to the name "Yahoo". But,then who forced Jerry and Filo to put an exclamation to their brand. From the old booming days of dot com industry,ya2.jpgwe have always witnessed Yahoo! being symbolised as 'Y!' (and not as 'Y'). That means,it must have been a well thought idea of integrating exclamation mark("!") with their brand name "Yahoo" to portrait their brand,being different from others. But that's not the case.It was,rather a forced decision to add an exclamation mark to the name "Yahoo".But,then who forced Jerry and Filo to put an exclamation to their brand ? It's EBSCO Industries ,which forced the two founders of "Yahoo" to rather make it "Yahoo!".And the reason is as easy as 2+2=? "Yahoo" had already been

SlideShare vs Myplick = Smart PR vs Sharp Service

There are a number of Slideshare competitors eg  Myplick, Sliderocket etc, offering better quality and features than Slideshare but aren't able to gain massive traction. When it comes to sharing your slideshows with your friends, one site that definitely comes in your mind is Slideshare and that's why it's growing at such a fast pace.slideshare and mypick But, the reason, why it is gaining such a momentum is not only its service but also its PR activities. Slideshare had a tough competition earlier in Slide but then it created its own space and smartly projected itself as "YouTube of Slideshows". There has been a number of web services eg. Myplick, Sliderocket etc, offering better quality with an extra cluster of features than Slideshare but aren't able to gain massive traction because of exhaustive

SuperVirals Review

Here's Supervirals reviews. Supervirals offers you a way to exercise your creative mind by creating promotional videos, audio, pictures etc for brands and get rewarded by the brands.

What's that !


Do you spot a "creative edge" in yourself which hasn't been utilized for anything BIG ? Or you find a lot of 'absurd' & 'Out of the box' ideas bubbling out of your brain about different things.Then a website can probably be of good use to you.That's Supervirals Supervirals is a website that offers you a way to exercise your creative mind by creating promotional videos,audio,pictures etc for brands and get rewarded by the brands if you

Photosynth Review

Here is the Photosynth's review. It is a new service launched by Microsoft that lets its users create 3D experiences through 2D photos.It's in the initial stages right now.

What's that !


It's an all new service launched by Microsoft that lets its users create 3D experiences through photos. Photosynth,being for quite sometime in Microsoft Live Labs finally opened its doors for users on Aug 21 but the team behind this service haven't really promoted this launch even as a 'Beta Launch' for Photosynth. According to the team,there is lot more to come which will enhance the capabilities and results of the service. As there have already been a cluster of services offering some manipulation or the other on images/photos, it's
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