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SuperVirals Review

Here's Supervirals reviews. Supervirals offers you a way to exercise your creative mind by creating promotional videos, audio, pictures etc for brands and get rewarded by the brands.

What's that !


Do you spot a "creative edge" in yourself which hasn't been utilized for anything BIG ? Or you find a lot of 'absurd' & 'Out of the box' ideas bubbling out of your brain about different things.Then a website can probably be of good use to you.That's Supervirals Supervirals is a website that offers you a way to exercise your creative mind by creating promotional videos,audio,pictures etc for brands and get rewarded by the brands if you

Photosynth Review

Here is the Photosynth's review. It is a new service launched by Microsoft that lets its users create 3D experiences through 2D photos.It's in the initial stages right now.

What's that !


It's an all new service launched by Microsoft that lets its users create 3D experiences through photos. Photosynth,being for quite sometime in Microsoft Live Labs finally opened its doors for users on Aug 21 but the team behind this service haven't really promoted this launch even as a 'Beta Launch' for Photosynth. According to the team,there is lot more to come which will enhance the capabilities and results of the service. As there have already been a cluster of services offering some manipulation or the other on images/photos, it's

PaisaWaisa Review

Here is the Paisawaisa review. Compare financial service providers to find out the best one, refer fellow user experiences to learn more. It also facilitates e-Tax filing

What's that !


If you belong to India, then being financially conscious and sensitive is a default trait in you but the financial services that we use or plan to use are limited to a count but the service providers are endless in number. Hence, it becomes really tough to decide which bank to prefer for a loan, which property should one invest into, which credit card scheme is better and similar things like that. PaisaWaisa is a solution one can consider if he is facing the above issues. It's a financial portal providing a cluster of financial

Muziboo Review

Here is the Muziboo's review. It lets one upload music compositions and karaoke, share music to the Muziboo audience and get appreciated (in terms of comments) by other users.

What's that


The likes and dislikes of different people are way apart but generally most of us enjoy music (of some sort or the other) and admire renowned singers/artists and music composers for the music those guys create and help the discotheque rocking. And then, there are a chunk of people who can broadly be called as "Music Enthusiasts" (bathroom singers to singing aspirants), who love to sing and get appreciated for the passion they carry for music. Muziboo is actually an online platform for the second set of people (Music enthusiasts). It serves as a solution in many ways to this category. It lets one upload music compositions and karaoke to the platform, share one's passion to the Review

Here is the Kyte review. Kyte facilitates Live video-casting, create your own channel, produce your own shows with the help of photos, pre-recorded videos or live videos via mobile.

What's that !


Gone are the days when live video broadcasting required heavy infrastructure (like the ones news channels have in plenty ex. Satellite, VSAT paraphernalia, etc.,). Video-casting on the net is usually pre-recorded. But with the growing technology trends, live video-casting is just a matter of a smartphone (which carries with it some basic live casting pre-requisites). Kyte is a website which facilitates Live video-casting and proving to be a trendsetter in this arena. It lets you create your own channel, produce your own shows with

“” Review

Here is the review. It's a web based service which facilitates you with e-mail account([email protected]), news, music, video games, flight services, matrimonial services, online shopping

What's that !screen04.JPG

If you are wondering what 'Unified Theory' (Proposed by Einstein) has to do with an online venture by Web18 group then hold on, it's actually a modern day "Unified Theory" kind of practice employed by them by launching "". It's a web based service which facilitates you with
  • E-mail account ( [email protected])
  • News
  • Music
  • Videos
  • Games
  • Flight Services
  • Hotel Booking
  • Matrimonial Services
  • Online Shopping
All of them under one
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