Business & Technology: Using the Internet to Evolve and Profit

Business & Technology: Using the Internet to Evolve and Profit

Internet can play a vital role in growth and development of your business.Learn usage of internet to evolve and earn profit. 

It’s important to cut financial corners and increase profits wherever possible. Businesses that fail to utilize money-saving opportunities are fading out, and only the savviest companies are surviving in this tough economy. Here are tips to put your business on the cutting-edge of technological savings.

Online Marketing Reaches Your Audience

Business & Technology: Using the Internet to Evolve and ProfitBusiness & Technology: Using the Internet to Evolve and Profit

Image via Flickr by Nicola

Why pay thousands to market your business on TV or through radio ads when you can do it for free on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites? Online marketing can save you money, reach a more specific audience, and provide immediate statistics on your audience.

In 2013, it was projected that businesses would increase their online marketing spending by 39%, taking that money from other forms of advertising, such as newspapers. Marketing your company online makes sense, because you can reach the audience that actually cares about your products, rather than throwing one wide net and hoping to reach a few applicable people via TV or magazines.

Easy Digital Recruitment Makes Hiring Simple

Recruiting talent takes time, money, and effort. However, when you move efforts online, you begin to save money on HR overhead, as well as on advertisements. By utilizing sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and applicable sub-reddits of Reddit, you can find people who will make your company more profitable. Some companies have hiring success on free sites, such as Craigslist, while others pay a nominal fee to advertise on professional sites, such as Monster.

Once you find potential applicants online, you can also check them out to see if they’re a good fit by filtering their social profiles for profanity, drugs, or bad attitudes.

Cloud Storage Leaves You Unencumbered

Business & Technology: Using the Internet to Evolve and ProfitBusiness & Technology: Using the Internet to Evolve and Profit

Image via Flickr by Ian Lamont

82% of small businesses can’t be wrong: cloud storage is a revolution in cost-savings for technology needs. Companies no longer need their own bulky, hot servers crowding office spaces because the cloud gives them the same flexibility without the sultry temperatures.

Not only is the cloud helping companies keep track of their documents and information via high speed dsl, but 21% of businesses report that they “couldn’t survive” without cloud technology. If you’re still skeptical about the cloud, consider this: 71% of companies utilizing the cloud claim that it is saving them money every month.

Virtual Office Space is Carefree

Once you move your hot, bulky servers to the cloud, you will feel free to drop your office space altogether. Your company could save hundreds or thousands of dollars a month by moving home. Workers tend to be more productive in comfortable surroundings, and overhead expenses like company computers and printers become a thing of the past.

While virtual office space might seem silly, it is the final frontier in seeming entirely professional while you work from home in PJs. By paying a paltry sum each month, you can rent an address in a fake building (and of course, your mail is forwarded). It leaves potential clients with the impression that you do, in fact, still have a real office.

When you utilize these money-saving opportunities your company can increase its profit margin. While it might seem like a small amount of money saved, it adds up to the difference between thriving and bankrupt.

Categories: Review
Prashant Sharma: <a title="About" href="">Prashant Sharma</a> is a Delhi based Entrepreneur who spent most of his college days polishing his marketing skills and went for his first business venture at 19. Having tasted failure in his entrepreneurial debut, he turned a Tech-enthusiast, specializing in web technologies later. Join him on <a href="">Google Plus</a>