First Ever Image of a Black Hole – Top Trending Stories

Here are today’s Top 5 News & Events from Around the World. Take a look!


First Ever Image of a Black Hole, Scientists Call It ‘a Monter’

Image Credits: BBC News

Astronomers have released the first-ever image of a black hole from a distant galaxy. With a size of 3 million earth put together and almost 40-billion km across, the black hole has been dubbed as ‘a monster’ by the scientists. It took a network of eight linked telescopes, called Event Horizon Telescope to capture the image of this massive black hole. According to the observers, the black hole has 6.5 million times the mass of our sun and is situated 500 million km away from earth. The bright surroundings of the black hole are gaseous materials orbiting it, while the centre is pitch black that devours even light through its gravitational pull. The rendition that we are used to seeing in our movies is close to this picture. So, what stands, in theory, is been proven now through this picture. But the image is still blurry and isn’t jaw-dropping. But the scientists are happy that the image will give them more information to study the black hole. Report by BBC News.



Amazon Employees Are Serious About Climate Change And Boy, They Are Speaking Up

Image Credits: Flickr Goodread Bio
Normally, Amazon employees don’t speak up, even in extreme hardship they just carry on with their company’s policy. But it’s changing now as about 3,500 Amazon employees have finally broken the barrier of silence to speak up against climate change and that their company should be doing something about it. The online letter published by the employees directly addresses CEO Jeff Bezos and the board of directors. The employees have written a superbly structured letter explaining where the e-commerce giant is lacking in its strategy for fighting climate change. Excerpt from the letter said, “These traits have made Amazon a top global innovator but have been missing from the company’s approach to climate change.”


Use Your Android Phone as a Security Key, Will It Improve Security?

Image Credits: Techcrunch

Google has announced that any phone running Android version 7 or above could also be used as a physical key for two-factor authentication checks. This addition has made Google phones a better option when compared to other existing 2FA systems. So instead of purchasing a new dongle for physical two-factor authentication, you can just use your existing Android phone. To start doing this all you need to do is to use your phone’s Bluetooth and connect it to a chrome browser to verify the login. Link.



Uber Is Eying $100B IPO Valuation, Can It Do It?

Image Credits: Flickr Mobileapp Daily

No doubt Uber IPO is one of the most exciting and biggest IPO’s that the world is going to witness. But according to some sources, the company is looking to value the IPO at $100 billion through its stock sale. While the investment bankers are valuing the company at $120 billion in the market. In a letter to its convertible bondholders, Uber released these details. Uber is looking to generate $10 billion from IPO for further expansion. As reported by The New York Times.



Beware of Taj Mahal Infection, The Stealthiest Malware Right Now

The Russian internet security software company Kaspersky has identified at least two types of malware that went undetected for almost five years. One is dubbed the Taj Mahal and the other is SneakyPastes. The Taj Mahal malware runs two different forms of attack namely Tokyo and Yokohama. In total there are 80 modules that reck the system that is infected by it.  According to the lead malware analyst at Kaspersky, Alexey Shulmin, the malware “is too big and complex to be a one-off attack.” While Taj Mahal is targeting the Asia region, SneakyPastes is active in the Middle Eastern countries. Link.
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