Google now makes Passkey Sign-in Default Option for all Users

Here are the top trending news from the world of technology. News that every tech enthusiast should keep a tab on.


Google now makes Passkey Sign-in Default Option for all Users

The next time you log in into your Google account, you might be prompted to create a passkey. That’s because starting from today Google is making passkey sign-in a default option for all the users. However, the tech giant is still keeping the option of traditional password intact. Users can still sign in into their Google accounts with traditional passwords while skipping the passkey option altogether. However, the latest development certainly signifies that passkeys may completely replace traditional passwords in the near future. Passkeys are a new type of authentication that is more secure and convenient than traditional passwords. To sign in using passkey, you will need to authenticate your device with help of fingerprint, face scan, or PIN.


Adobe Firefly can now create more realistic and awesome images

At its annual Max conference on Tuesday, Adobe announced that it is launching new features and updates in Firefly Image 2 Model, the model that powers Firefly, its generative AI image creation service. The new model is larger and more powerful than its predecessor, and it offers a number of improvements. For instance, the new model comes with better rendering capabilities that enables it to generate more realistic and natural-looking images of people. It can also generate higher quality images with better resolution, detail, and color accuracy. Additionally, it offers more control over the content and depth of field in their generated images. Adobe plans to launch the Firefly Image 2 Model on its Creative Cloud service in the near future.


Microsoft rolls out new AI tools for Doctors & Medical Professionals

Microsoft has launched new set of AI tools to help doctors in delivering better healthcare results for their patients. Among these new tools, ‘Azure AI Health Insights’ offer new set of pre-built AI models that can be utilized to produce insights from healthcare data. These models can be used to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies in patients’ data. Another tool ‘Microsoft Fabric’ will be used to unify data from disparate sources such as electronic health records, imaging systems, and claims systems. Microsoft is also offering chatbot called Azure AI Health Bot that can provide human like responses to questions posed by patients and doctors. All these AI tools are still in beta stage and hence it will take some time before these features are launched officially.


Google and Amazon detect largest ever DDoS attacks

Google and Amazon have announced that they have probably detected the largest ever DDoS attacks on record. Most of these attacks took place in the month of August and was powered by a new technique called an HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack. Google and Amazon further claimed that attacks reached a peak of 398 million requests per second (RPS), and they were able to successfully disrupt some of the largest websites and online services in the world. The HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack works by sending a large number of HTTP/2 requests to a target server. Ultimately making the server unavailable and non-functional. Both companies are currently working hard to develop defense protocol against the HTTP/2 rapid reset attack.


Sony launches new PS5 Slim with detachable Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive

Following months of rumors, Sony has finally launched a new PS5 that is slightly smaller and lighter than the original PS5. The new slim model comes with several new improvements and features. The most notable feature is the detachable Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive, which can be purchased separately or included with the console. Alongside, it offers a larger 1TB internal SSD and new design with four cover panels. These panels can be swapped out to customize the look of the console. The new PS5 Slim will be priced at $499.99 with the disc drive included, and $449.99 without the disc drive. The detachable disc drive will be available for purchase separately for $79.99.

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Girish Shetti: A writer with a passion for tech, marketing, and sports, he delivers captivating articles for the tech enthusiasts. Girish’s expertise in technology and startup analysis brings insightful content and the latest trends to our readers. He loves being the ‘first’ to know(and write) all that’s happening in the world of Tech and startups.