How to Add Twitter Link to Gmail Signature

Gmail signature with Twitter link can help to grow on social media accounts. Learn how to add Twitter link to Gmail signature over here.

Social networking sites are changing the human relations day by day. They are influencing people’s behavioral patterns in many ways.  Leveraging up on the popularity that is being garnered by the existing social website like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc. many such websites are being created by the enthusiasts. The undying craze exhibited by the users is making these social sites to become part of daily life.

Using social media icons as part of our email signature is an eye catching and attractive way of sending mails. Every day we send many personal mails but we literally miss many occasions to involve these people at a profounder level  by incorporating social sites .We can reassure many likes and follows by including a link to the twitter account in every email we send.

Adding Twitter Icon

To add Twitter signature to the Gmail account, following are the few steps:how to add twitter link to gmail signaturehow to add twitter link to gmail signature

  • Firstly Gmail account needs to be edited.
  • To do this, login to the Gmail account with the user id and password.
  • On the upper right hand corner and next to the Account Name we can find the “Options” button.
  • Click on it and select “Mail Settings”.
  • In the “General Setting” tab, scroll down to the “Signature settings” till the “Signature row” is found.
  • Put a check mark in the circle that enables the signature.
  • There is no need to edit the “Signature” box if a signature message is already exiwting.
  • The above steps can be followed if there is no signature is created yet.
  • Type in the details like name, address, phone number and any other desired information that you wish to share with the rest of the world.
  • With the basic info being put in the signature, it is time to add Twitter signature.
  • For this, now select “Add Image” icon on the “Edit” bar which is on the top.
  • A pop up comes with few options for image hosting.
  • An image can directly be uploaded from the image gallery or from photo sharing sites like Picasa and can be linked to any website or web service.
  • After clicking on the particular link a dialogue box will open to copy the Twitter link to the web address field and then click on OK button.
  • With this the Twitter icon should be visible in the signature box.
  • Now Twitter link has to be added. For this, click on the image first and then click on the hyperlink icon which is present at the top.
  • A pop up box appears by a web link can be added.
  • Just copy and paste the twitter URL and click OK.
  • Make sure that the Twitter account URL is not that of its home page, because when we look at it we see our wall so we assume that URL is the URL that everyone should use.
  • If someone does not know the exact URL to their Twitter account, they can use the search box at the top of the Twitter to search for the page or profile name.
  • Now scroll down to the bottom of the screen and save the changes. This can be done by clicking “Save Changes” at the bottom of the Gmail settings page.
  • We can even send a test message to make sure whether the links go to the right place and work.

That is it. A Twitter account has been successfully added to the email signature and ready to go global.

Hope this article about how to add twitter link to gmail signature helped you.

See Also:

Categories: Twitter
Prashant Sharma: <a title="About" href="">Prashant Sharma</a> is a Delhi based Entrepreneur who spent most of his college days polishing his marketing skills and went for his first business venture at 19. Having tasted failure in his entrepreneurial debut, he turned a Tech-enthusiast, specializing in web technologies later. Join him on <a href="">Google Plus</a>
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