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How to Find WiFi Password on Android

how to find wifi password on android


In the age of constant connectivity, knowing how to find your WiFi password on Android devices is more than just a convenience—it’s a necessity. Whether you’re trying to connect a new device to your home network, assisting a friend in logging in, or troubleshooting your connection, finding your WiFi password can often seem like a daunting task, especially with the variety of Android versions and device manufacturers. This guide aims to simplify this process, providing you with clear, step-by-step instructions on how to find your WiFi password on Android devices. From using built-in Android settings to employing third-party applications, we cover all the bases to ensure you stay connected, anytime and anywhere.

How to Find the Password for WiFi on Android

Discovering how to find the WiFi password on Android is a valuable skill for anyone who frequently connects to different networks or needs to share network access with others. Android devices, depending on their version and manufacturer customizations, offer various methods to retrieve this information. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Accessing Through Settings: The most straightforward method to find the WiFi password on Android is through the device’s settings. However, it’s important to note that not all Android versions support viewing saved WiFi passwords directly. To attempt this, go to ‘Settings’, then ‘Network & Internet’, and select ‘WiFi’. Tap on the network name you’re connected to, and you might find an option to see the password. In some cases, only network details like IP address and signal strength are visible.
  2. Using QR Codes: Newer Android versions (typically Android 10 and above) include a feature that allows users to share WiFi credentials via QR codes. This method doesn’t show the password in text form but is a convenient way to share access without revealing the actual password. Go to ‘Settings’, tap on ‘WiFi’, and select the network. Look for an option to ‘Share’ or display a QR code. Anyone who scans this QR code with their device can connect to the WiFi network without entering the password.
  3. Using Third-Party Apps: There are third-party apps available on the Google Play Store that claim to reveal saved WiFi passwords. However, exercise caution when using these apps as they may pose security risks or require rooting your device, which can void the warranty and potentially harm your device’s security and functionality.
  4. For Rooted Android Devices: If you have a rooted Android device, you can access the file system where the WiFi passwords are stored. This is typically found in a file named wpa_supplicant.conf located in the /data/misc/wifi/ directory. Use a file manager app with root access to navigate to this file, and you’ll find the network SSIDs and their corresponding passwords listed there. Keep in mind that rooting your phone is a risky process and not recommended for casual users.
  5. Consulting Your Router: If you can’t find the password on your Android device and need it urgently, another method is to check the router itself. Many routers have a label with the default WiFi network name (SSID) and password printed on them. If the password hasn’t been changed from the default, you can use this information to connect.

Remember, accessing a WiFi network without permission is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have the right to access and share the network details. Knowing how to find the WiFi password on Android should be used responsibly and ethically.

How to Find the Password for WiFi on iPhone

Unlike Android devices, iPhones do not have a direct way to view saved WiFi passwords. This is due to Apple’s strict privacy and security guidelines. However, there are a few workarounds that can help you find the WiFi password on your iPhone, especially if you’re already connected to the network or have other Apple devices. Here are some methods:

  1. Using iCloud Keychain Sync: If you use iCloud Keychain, your WiFi passwords are synced across all your Apple devices. This means if you have a Mac, you can find the WiFi password for a network you’ve joined on your iPhone. On your Mac, go to ‘Applications’ > ‘Utilities’ > ‘Keychain Access’. In Keychain Access, search for the WiFi network name, and double-click on it. Check the box next to ‘Show Password’, enter your Mac’s password, and the WiFi password will be displayed.
  2. Through a Connected Apple Device: If you have another Apple device already connected to the WiFi network, you can share the password to your iPhone. Bring the iPhone close to the connected device. On the connected device, you’ll get a prompt to ‘Share Password’ with the iPhone when it tries to connect to the same WiFi network. Tap ‘Share Password’ to automatically fill in the password on the iPhone.
  3. Asking Siri (If Previously Saved): If you have previously asked Siri to remember your WiFi password (by saying something like “Siri, remember my WiFi password is [password]”), you can ask Siri to retrieve it. Say, “Hey Siri, what is my WiFi password?” This method depends on whether you have previously saved the password with Siri.
  4. Router Admin Page: If you have access to the router’s admin page, you can find the password there. Log in to the router’s admin page through a web browser (you’ll need the router’s IP address, username, and password), and navigate to the section where WiFi settings are stored. Here, you should find the option to view or reset the WiFi password.
  5. Consulting the Router or ISP Documentation: Sometimes, the easiest method is to check the physical router. Many routers have a label with the default network name and password. If the network’s settings have never been changed, this password should work. Alternatively, check the documents provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) as they often include this information.

It’s important to remember that attempting to access a WiFi network without authorization is illegal. Use these methods responsibly and only for networks you have permission to use. While finding the password for WiFi on iPhone is not as straightforward as on Android, these methods can help in situations where you need to retrieve your WiFi password.

How to Secure Your Newly-Found Wi-Fi Password

Congratulations on successfully finding your WiFi password! Now that you have access to this sensitive information, it’s crucial to prioritize the security of your network. Securing your WiFi network is not only about protecting your own data but also ensuring that unauthorized individuals can’t gain access. Here’s how to safeguard your newly-found WiFi password:

  1. Change the Default Password: If you’ve used the default password provided by your router manufacturer, it’s essential to change it immediately. Default passwords are often easy to guess, making your network vulnerable to attacks. Create a strong, unique password that combines upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information like your name or birthdate.
  2. Use WPA3 Encryption: Ensure that your WiFi network uses the latest encryption protocol, WPA3. WPA3 provides stronger security compared to its predecessors (WEP and WPA2). Most modern routers support WPA3, so log in to your router’s admin page and update your encryption settings if necessary.
  3. Enable Network Firewall: Many routers come with built-in firewalls that can provide an additional layer of protection. Activate your router’s firewall and configure it to block unauthorized access to your network.
  4. Change the Network Name (SSID): The name of your network, known as the Service Set Identifier (SSID), should not reveal any personal information. Avoid using your name or address in the SSID, as this information can be used by hackers to target your network.
  5. Implement MAC Address Filtering: Most routers allow you to specify which devices are allowed to connect based on their MAC addresses. Enabling MAC address filtering ensures that only authorized devices can access your network.
  6. Regularly Update Your Router’s Firmware: Router manufacturers release firmware updates that often include security patches. Make it a habit to check for and install these updates to protect your network from known vulnerabilities.
  7. Set a Guest Network: If your router supports it, create a separate guest network for visitors. This network should have its own password and be isolated from your main network to prevent unauthorized access to your devices.
  8. Disable WPS: Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) can be vulnerable to attacks. It’s best to disable WPS on your router to avoid potential security risks.
  9. Monitor Network Activity: Use router management tools or third-party apps to monitor the devices connected to your network. Regularly review the list of connected devices to identify any unauthorized access.
  10. Educate Your Household: Ensure that everyone in your household is aware of the importance of network security. Teach them not to share the WiFi password indiscriminately and to be cautious when connecting to public networks.
  11. Regularly Change Your Password: It’s a good practice to change your WiFi password periodically. This adds an extra layer of security and helps prevent unauthorized access over time.

By following these steps, you can secure your WiFi network and keep your data safe from potential threats. Remember that network security is an ongoing process, and staying vigilant is key to maintaining a secure environment for all your connected devices.

How to Share Wi-Fi Password From Android to iPhone

Sharing your Wi-Fi password from an Android device to an iPhone is a common necessity, especially in a mixed-device environment like a home or office. While Android and iOS operate differently, there are several effective methods to share Wi-Fi passwords across these platforms. Here are some of the most convenient ways to do so:

  1. Using a QR Code: One of the easiest ways to share your Wi-Fi password from Android to iPhone is through a QR code. Many Android devices allow you to generate a QR code for your Wi-Fi network. Here’s how you can do it:
    • Go to ‘Settings’ on your Android device.
    • Select ‘Network & Internet’ > ‘Wi-Fi’.
    • Tap on the Wi-Fi network you are connected to.
    • Look for an option that says ‘Share’ or a QR code icon.
    • A QR code will be generated, which can be scanned by the iPhone.

    On the iPhone, open the camera app and scan the QR code. The iPhone will automatically recognize the Wi-Fi network and connect to it without needing to enter the password manually.

  2. Manual Sharing: If the QR code method isn’t available or convenient, you can always share the Wi-Fi password manually. Simply tell or text the password to the iPhone user. While this method is straightforward, it’s essential to ensure accuracy while sharing the password, as it is case-sensitive and may contain complex characters.
  3. Using Third-Party Apps: There are several third-party apps available on both Android and iOS platforms that facilitate Wi-Fi password sharing. These apps often work by creating a QR code or a setup file that can be used to connect to the Wi-Fi network. Before using such apps, ensure they are reliable and secure, as you will be sharing sensitive information.
  4. Using a Password Manager: If you use a password manager that syncs across different devices and platforms, you can save your Wi-Fi password in it. Then, access the password manager on the iPhone to retrieve the password. This method is secure and convenient, especially if you use password managers for managing your credentials.
  5. NFC Tags: For the tech-savvy, NFC (Near Field Communication) tags can be a creative way to share Wi-Fi passwords. You can program an NFC tag with your Wi-Fi credentials. When an iPhone user taps their device against the NFC tag, it will prompt them to connect to the network.

When sharing your Wi-Fi password, always ensure you’re sharing with trusted individuals to maintain your network’s security. Each of these methods provides a seamless way to share Wi-Fi access from Android to iPhone, catering to different scenarios and user preferences.


Navigating through the diverse Android ecosystem to find your WiFi password can be a simple and hassle-free process with the right knowledge and tools. Whether you choose to access your network settings directly, use a QR code, or resort to a third-party app, each method has its own advantages. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility; hence, it’s crucial to use these methods ethically and legally. Understanding how to find your WiFi password on Android not only enhances your tech savviness but also prepares you to deal with connectivity issues more independently and efficiently.

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