How to Get Blueprints of My House

Whether you are planning a renovation, interested in understanding the structure of your home, or need documentation for legal purposes, having the blueprints of your house is invaluable. Blueprints provide a detailed map of your home’s architecture and layout, including dimensions, materials, and design elements. This guide will walk you through various methods to obtain the blueprints of your house.

Understanding House Blueprints

What Are House Blueprints?

House blueprints, also known as architectural drawings or building plans, are detailed diagrams that outline the structure, dimensions, and layout of a house. These documents include floor plans, elevations, sections, and other architectural details.

Why Are Blueprints Important?

Blueprints are essential for several reasons:

  • Renovations and Remodels: Knowing the exact layout and structural details helps in planning modifications.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Blueprints provide information on electrical wiring, plumbing, and other systems.
  • Legal and Permitting Requirements: They are often required for permits and compliance with building codes.
  • Insurance and Real Estate Transactions: Blueprints can be useful for insurance claims and during the sale or purchase of a property.

How to Get Floor Plans of My House

1. Check with the Previous Owner

One of the simplest ways to obtain blueprints is to contact the previous owner of the house. They might have copies of the original plans or know where to find them.

How to Approach the Previous Owner

  • Contact Information: If you have contact details, reach out directly via phone or email.
  • Real Estate Agent: If you purchased the house through a real estate agent, ask them to facilitate the communication.
  • Polite Inquiry: Explain your need for the blueprints and request any information they might have.

2. Contact the Builder or Architect

The builder or architect who originally designed and constructed your home might have the blueprints or can help you obtain them.

Finding the Builder or Architect

  • Original Documents: Check the purchase documents or any original paperwork you have.
  • Local Building Departments: They may have records of the builder or architect.
  • Real Estate Agent: They might have information about the builder or architect, especially if the home is part of a development.

3. Visit Your Local Building Department

Local building departments often keep records of building plans and permits. These records can include blueprints for homes built within their jurisdiction.

Steps to Obtain Blueprints from the Building Department

  1. Identify the Relevant Office: Determine which office handles building records in your area (e.g., city hall, county office).
  2. Prepare Information: Have details such as the property address, parcel number, and the year the house was built.
  3. Submit a Request: Some departments allow online requests, while others may require you to visit in person.
  4. Review Records: If blueprints are available, you might need to view them on-site or request copies.

4. Check with Your Homeowners Association (HOA)

If your home is part of a development with an HOA, they might have copies of the blueprints, especially for newer developments or condominiums.

How to Approach the HOA

  • Contact the HOA Office: Reach out to the office or the management company.
  • Request Information: Explain your need for the blueprints and provide necessary details about your property.
  • Follow Procedures: Be prepared to follow any specific procedures they have for records requests.

5. Search Online Databases and Archives

There are online resources and databases where you might find house blueprints, especially for historic homes or well-documented developments.

Useful Online Resources

  • County Records and Archives: Many counties have digitized their records and made them available online.
  • Historic Building Databases: Websites dedicated to historic preservation may have blueprints for older homes.
  • Architectural Firms and Builders: Some firms provide online access to their past projects.

6. Hire a Professional

If you are unable to locate the blueprints through other methods, hiring a professional such as an architect or a surveyor to create new blueprints based on your current home can be an effective solution.

Steps to Hire a Professional

  1. Research Local Professionals: Look for licensed architects or surveyors with good reputations.
  2. Request Quotes: Contact several professionals to get estimates for the work.
  3. Check Credentials: Verify their licenses and check for reviews or testimonials.
  4. Discuss Requirements: Clearly explain what you need, including any specific details or focuses.

7. Use a Blueprint Reproduction Service

Some companies specialize in reproducing blueprints from existing structures. They use advanced techniques to measure and create detailed plans of your home.

Finding a Reproduction Service

  • Local Listings: Search online for companies in your area that offer blueprint reproduction services.
  • Reviews and Recommendations: Look for reviews and ask for recommendations from local contractors or architects.
  • Consultations: Arrange for consultations to discuss the scope of work and obtain quotes.

Additional Tips and Considerations

Keep Your Own Records

Once you obtain the blueprints, make several copies and store them in different locations. Digital copies can be particularly useful for easy access and sharing.

Legal and Permitting Issues

When modifying or using blueprints, be aware of any legal and permitting requirements. Ensure that any changes comply with local building codes and regulations.

Preservation of Historical Homes

If your home is historic, be mindful of preservation guidelines. Work with professionals who have experience with historic properties to ensure any modifications are appropriate and respectful of the home’s history.

Cost Considerations

Obtaining blueprints can sometimes involve costs, especially if you are hiring professionals or using reproduction services. Factor these costs into your planning and budget accordingly.

Future Planning

If you plan to build additions or significantly remodel your home, having the blueprints will be invaluable. Consider having updated plans created to reflect any changes or additions made to your home.


Obtaining the blueprints of your house can provide numerous benefits, from aiding in renovations to ensuring compliance with legal requirements. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you can locate or recreate the blueprints of your home. Whether you are contacting previous owners, visiting local building departments, or hiring professionals, having detailed architectural plans will enhance your understanding and management of your property.

Categories: Tech Technology
Prashant Sharma: <a title="About" href="http://www.techpluto.com/about-us/">Prashant Sharma</a> is a Delhi based Entrepreneur who spent most of his college days polishing his marketing skills and went for his first business venture at 19. Having tasted failure in his entrepreneurial debut, he turned a Tech-enthusiast, specializing in web technologies later. Join him on <a href="https://plus.google.com/110037121732872055442/?rel=author">Google Plus</a>
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