How to Send an Invoice: A Step-by-Step Guide

Invoicing is a crucial part of running a business, ensuring that you get paid for the products or services you provide. Sending an invoice might seem straightforward, but there are key steps and best practices to follow to ensure you get paid promptly and maintain professional relationships with your clients. This guide will walk you through the process of sending an invoice, covering everything from preparing the document to following up on payments.

Understanding Invoices

An invoice is a document sent by a seller to a buyer, itemizing the products or services provided, their costs, and the payment terms. It serves as a formal request for payment and a record of the transaction.

Steps to Send an Invoice

Step 1: Prepare the Invoice

Before you can send an invoice, you need to prepare it. Ensure that your invoice is professional, clear, and comprehensive.

Essential Elements of an Invoice

  1. Header:
    • Your business name and logo.
    • Your contact information (address, phone number, email).
  2. Client Information:
    • Client’s name or business name.
    • Client’s contact information.
  3. Invoice Details:
    • Invoice number (a unique identifier for the invoice).
    • Invoice date.
    • Payment due date.
  4. Itemized List of Products/Services:
    • Description of each product or service.
    • Quantity or hours.
    • Rate or price per unit.
    • Subtotal for each item.
  5. Totals:
    • Subtotal of all items.
    • Applicable taxes.
    • Any discounts.
    • Total amount due.
  6. Payment Terms:
    • Payment methods accepted (bank transfer, credit card, PayPal, etc.).
    • Payment due date.
    • Late payment penalties (if any).
  7. Additional Notes:
    • Any other relevant information, such as thank-you messages or payment instructions.

Step 2: Choose the Right Invoicing Method

Depending on your business needs and client preferences, you can choose from various invoicing methods.

Invoicing Software

Using invoicing software can streamline the process, offering templates, automation, and tracking features.

  1. Popular Invoicing Software:
    • QuickBooks
    • FreshBooks
    • Wave
    • Zoho Invoice
    • Xero
  2. Benefits:
    • Automation of recurring invoices.
    • Payment reminders.
    • Integration with accounting software.

Manual Invoicing

For small businesses or one-time clients, manual invoicing can be sufficient.

  1. Using Templates:
    • Create a template using Word or Excel.
    • Ensure consistency across all invoices.
  2. PDF Invoices:
    • Save your manual invoice as a PDF to ensure it maintains its format.

Step 3: Send the Invoice

Once your invoice is prepared, it’s time to send it to your client. There are several ways to do this, depending on the invoicing method chosen.

Sending via Email

Email is the most common and efficient method for sending invoices.

  1. Compose the Email:
    • Address the email to your client.
    • Write a clear and professional subject line (e.g., “Invoice #1234 from [Your Business Name]”).
    • Include a polite message explaining the invoice (e.g., “Please find attached the invoice for services rendered. Payment is due by [due date]. Thank you for your business.”).
  2. Attach the Invoice:
    • Attach the invoice as a PDF or a file format agreed upon with the client.
  3. Send the Email:
    • Double-check the recipient’s email address.
    • Send the email.

Sending via Invoicing Software

Most invoicing software allows you to send invoices directly through the platform.

  1. Generate the Invoice:
    • Use the software to create the invoice.
  2. Send the Invoice:
    • Use the “Send” or “Email” function within the software.
    • Customize the email message if possible.

Step 4: Confirm Receipt

After sending the invoice, confirm that your client has received it.

  1. Email Confirmation:
    • Request a read receipt if your email service supports it.
    • Follow up with a brief email or call if you don’t receive a confirmation.
  2. Invoicing Software:
    • Many invoicing platforms offer tracking features that notify you when the client views the invoice.

Step 5: Follow Up on Payment

Ensure timely payment by following up if the invoice is not paid by the due date.

  1. Send Reminders:
    • Most invoicing software can automate payment reminders.
    • Send a polite reminder email if you’re doing it manually (e.g., “This is a friendly reminder that Invoice #1234 is due. Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with the payment.”).
  2. Late Payment Follow-Up:
    • If the payment is late, send a more urgent reminder and refer to any late payment penalties mentioned in your terms (e.g., “Your payment for Invoice #1234 is now overdue. Please make the payment as soon as possible to avoid late fees.”).

Best Practices for Sending Invoices

  1. Timeliness:
    • Send invoices promptly after the completion of a project or delivery of a product.
  2. Clarity:
    • Ensure the invoice is clear and detailed, avoiding any potential confusion.
  3. Professionalism:
    • Maintain a professional tone in all communications related to invoicing.
  4. Tracking:
    • Keep a record of all sent invoices and their payment status.
  5. Client Preferences:
    • Accommodate client preferences for invoicing methods and payment terms whenever possible.


Sending an invoice is a fundamental part of maintaining a healthy cash flow for your business. By preparing detailed and professional invoices, choosing the right invoicing method, and following up on payments, you can ensure a smooth and efficient invoicing process. Implementing these steps and best practices will help you get paid on time and maintain positive relationships with your clients.

Categories: Tech Technology
Prashant Sharma: <a title="About" href="http://www.techpluto.com/about-us/">Prashant Sharma</a> is a Delhi based Entrepreneur who spent most of his college days polishing his marketing skills and went for his first business venture at 19. Having tasted failure in his entrepreneurial debut, he turned a Tech-enthusiast, specializing in web technologies later. Join him on <a href="https://plus.google.com/110037121732872055442/?rel=author">Google Plus</a>
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