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Microsoft’s new Copilot AI agents can now Perform Automated Tasks

Here is the top trending news from the world of technology. News that every tech enthusiast should keep a tab on.


Microsoft’s new Copilot AI agents can now perform automated tasks

Microsoft has announced new capabilities for their Copilot Studio that allow for the creation of AI agents that function like virtual assistants or virtual employees for the companies. These AI agents can be designed to automate repetitive tasks, respond to events, and even learn and adapt over time. This is in stark contrast to the current copilot that sits idle and waits for queries. Talking about automate tasks, they can handle things like monitoring emails, data entry, and even parts of the employee onboarding process. These agents are also event-driven, meaning they can take action without needing a direct instruction. For instance, a Copilot agent could be set up to greet new hires upon starting work. Overall, this new development from Microsoft signifies a step towards AI-powered assistance in the workplace, potentially freeing up human employees for more strategic tasks.


Github launches Copilot Extension

GitHub Copilot has just launched a new feature called Copilot Extensions. This exciting development expands the capabilities of the AI coding assistant by allowing developers to interact with their preferred tools and services using natural language commands within their IDE or on itself. This eliminates the need to switch between applications or platforms, streamlining the development workflow. GitHub also claims that Copilot Extensions are also pretty flexible as it caters to diverse needs. Whether it’s working with databases like MongoDB or utilizing cloud services like Docker, developers can leverage the extensions for tasks specific to their projects. Overall, Copilot Extensions mark a significant step forward for GitHub Copilot, making it a more versatile and powerful tool for developers.


Music generative AI startup Suno raises $125 million

Suno, which translates the lyrics and user descriptions into a complete musical composition, has just raised $125 Mn in a series B round. The funding round was led by several prominent VC firms like Lightspeed Venture Partners and Matrix Partners. Suno claims that its mission is to make music creation accessible to everyone. By using AI to generate melodies, harmonies, and even vocals, they aim to lower the barrier to entry for aspiring musicians, regardless of their technical skills. However, Suno’s rapid rise has sparked discussions about the use of copyrighted data in training AI for music generation. Nonetheless, Suno’s funding round presents exciting possibilities for the future of music creation.


Meta launches ‘Chameleon,’ a state-of-the-art multimodal model

Meta has launched a new AI model that can lead to a cutting-edge advancement in the field of multimodal machine learning. This new AI model has been named as ‘Chameleon.’ Unlike traditional models that process text and images separately, Chameleon handles both modalities (text and images) together. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of information that combines both visual and textual elements. It also treats text and images equally by converting both into a sequence of tokens, similar to how text is processed. This unified approach fosters seamless reasoning across these different data types. Overall, Meta’s Chameleon represents a significant leap forward in multimodal machine learning. Its ability to handle text and images together opens exciting new possibilities for AI applications in various fields.

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