World’s largest mobile chipmaker, Qualcomm, has decided to take another shot at challenging Intel’s supremacy in the personal computers market. On Tuesday, the San Diego-based chipmaker showed off two new Windows operated laptops, a HP Envy x2 tablet and an Asus NovaGo ultrabook, at its Snapdragon Technology Forum. Qualcomm claims that all thanks to its chip, both these PCs can run for almost two days without any charge.
But here is the catch and this is pretty interesting. Both these systems run on the same Snapdragon 835 that is been used inside several popular phones like the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. Yes, Qualcomm has literally migrated its smartphone chip into the laptop and tablet. The company justifies this audacious move by claiming that today smartphone processors have become powerful enough to smoothly run Pcs and laptops.
Going by simple logic, the company claim doesn’t appear as hallow. After all, don’t our smartphones today offer optimum performance throughout the day, then why shouldn’t a PC powered with mobile processor deliver the same.
Intel Corp holds dominant position in the market with more than 90% of laptop and PC’s currently being shipped with its processor. Qualcomm’s move to intrude into Intel’s territory is actually part of CEO Steve Mollenkopf’s comprehensive plan to foray into new lucrative markets. The mobile chipmaker has clearly set its eye on increased revenue by forging into non-traditional markets.
But this grand plan is currently facing a challenge of different proportion, with Qualcomm locked in a bitter takeover battle with Broadcom. Broadcom has offered whopping $105 billion to acquire Qualcomm. However, the mobile chipmaker giant clearly seems to be unimpressed by the huge price money thrown by Broadcom. It is seemingly making all the efforts to spurn this takeover bid.
Meanwhile, Qualcomm on Tuesday unveiled the Snapdragon 845, company’s next flagship processor and successor to the much popular Snapdragon 835. Snapdragon 845 will be made available in several high end Android Phones by middle of the next year.