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Classrr was founded by Rifqi on Dec 2016.
About Classrr
Class provides a secure environment for dedicated teachers to actually communicate and make transactions with students from all over the world, location is no longer a limit because discovery has been made easy by the internet, at the age of internet today where finally everyone respects creativity Classrr believes that it is also time for teachers get the same appreciation.
How is Classrr unique
Classrr is built by people that really passionate in changing education space for the better.
Classrr might be useful for
Students, lifelong learners, teachers, travellers and explorers
Business Model
Classrr is an online marketplace
Marketing Strategies
- Social Media
- Search/social
- Advertising
- Word of mouth
- Email Marketing
- Offline Marketing
Mindspree, Dabble
Good Stuff
Good design
Scope of improvement
Lack of exposure