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Edgrab.com was founded by Amanveer on Jun 2016.
About Edgrab.com
Edgrab strives to help young professionals and students in making a better career decision by providing them in-depth career analytics and informed comparison amongst online course providers. Young professionals can analyze the next best skill to acquire which will enhance their career and can compare the best course provider for that particular skill.
How is Edgrab.com unique
Our platform provides information about the tentative salary hike that one can expect after comparing multiple skills and course providers
Edgrab.com might be useful for
- students
- young professionals
- e-learners
Business Model
We will generate revenue through affiliate course sales.
Marketing Strategies
- Social Media
- Email Marketing
Class-central , payscale
Good Stuff
- data analytics
- no.of course providers
Scope of improvement
- UI
- user flow