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FixNix was founded by Shanmugavel Sankaran on Jan 2012.
About FixNix
FixNix Inc is a reg-tech startup with a vision to empower millions of SMB’s to access to the SaaS-based GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance) suites of products & tools at an affordable cost ,so that they can stay compliant with their complex processes by increasing the efficiency & reducing costs.The startup is also innovating in the Data-analytics sector by creating a Predictive Risk Analytics platform for enterprises to predict the risk & mitigate it using Machine Learning algorithms
How is FixNix unique
We provide SaaS-based delivery model of our GRC suites of products to our customers which is the first of its kind in our industry at a low-cost
FixNix might be useful for
Banking Sectors, Financial sectors, SMB’s
Business Model
We follow SaaS-based revenue model & charges monthly fee per user for our each GRC suites of products
Marketing Strategies
- Social Media
- Advertising
- Email Marketing
- Offline Marketing
MetricStream, RSA Archer, BWise
Good Stuff
- Our affordable pricing
- Our SaaS-based delivery model
- New Predictive Risk Analytics Platform
Scope of improvement
We are a niche startup vs the Incumbents