Startup: Live Traffic UK

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Live Traffic UK was founded by Greg Yova on Apr 2016.

About Live Traffic UK
Using the app is easy, and it means you can check your route, and decide whether to seek an alternative, take a different transport mode or wait till later to travel. Whatever happens, you’re more in control and more prepared. Features include the ability to save favourites so you can quickly and easily check the cameras on your route, and when necessary alternatives too, so you always travel informed. As Live Traffic UK grows, its use will have a real effect on the road network. By having this information, if drivers see a jam on their journey, they will do their best to optimise it by choosing a different route, mode or time of travel. The more people who use the app, the more demand on the roads is spread out, reducing congestion. Live Traffic UK puts power in the hands of the traveller, empowering them to make decisions for themselves based on what they see with their own eyes.

How is Live Traffic UK unique
The technology to capture traffic videos and deliver them quickly and efficiently to any platform did not exist before Greg invented it. So much so, it’s patented.

Live Traffic UK might be useful for
Automobile/Motorcycle travellers

Marketing Strategies

  • Social Media
  • Advertising
  • Word of mouth
  • Email Marketing
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