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Startup: VR UniBLock

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VR UniBLock was founded by Askar on May 2017.

About VR UniBLock
The virtual reality market is growing rapidly. As it narrows, tech makers must convey the full reality of presence or their tech will flop. VR UniBlock has invented efficient wireless video transmission technology that solves for common problems like a delay in video transmission resolution and a presence of wires that restricted the user’s movements. Other startups have tried to solve these problems by compressing data—but it’s barely making a dent in improving technology overall. VR UniBlock is taking a unique approach—we’ve developed an algorithm that enables the low latency transmission of 4K/120Hz resolution data without any impact of its quality. We don’t compress data, ever. Our technology has an unlimited potential for transmitting any amount of data without limit and without tethers or any noticeable delay (only 3 milliseconds).

How is VR UniBLock unique
VR UniBlock is the only startup that is solving the video transmission technology gap with a solution that doesn’t compress data

VR UniBLock

VR UniBLock might be useful for
Sony, Microsoft, Samsung, etc.

Business Model
Selling to virtual technology tech makers

Marketing Strategies
Word of mouth


Good Stuff

  • engineering
  • innovation

Scope of improvement
breaking into U.S. market

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