Tesla lays off 200 employees from Autopilot Team

Here are the top trending news from the world of technology. News that we feel every tech enthusiast should keep a tab on.


Tesla lays off 200 employees from Autopilot team  

Since the past few weeks Elon Musk has been openly saying that he soon intends to cut Tesla’s workforce by nearly 10% as part of its cost-cutting measure. Now true to his words, Tesla has now reportedly laid off nearly 200 employees from its autopilot team and has even reportedly closed his local office in California. To keep up with Musk’s 10% target, Tesla may cut more jobs in the coming weeks. Mind you, Musk has openly said he plans to cut jobs even in Twitter. But he obviously can’t do this as Musk has still not officially and legally bought Twitter.


Airbnb is permanently banning home parties

Airbnb customers can no longer host wild-parties at their host homes. Well, that’s because Airbnb has announced that it is permanently banning home parties. The popular home rental platform had already banned home parties in 2020 for encouraging social distancing during the pandemic. But that was merely a temporary ban while the latest ban is almost permanent. Airbnb said that it had to impose a permanent ban on parties as it was getting lots of complaints from host homes and neighbors. Neighbors constantly complained that these parties caused a lot of inconvenience. So, if you’re a loyal Airbnb customer and also a party freak person then this news certainly won’t make you happy.


Facebook & Instagram is blocking posts on abortion pills

Following all the hue and cry in the U.S. after Supreme Court legalized abortion, Facebook and Instagram have been increasingly found to be censoring posts about abortion pills. If reports are to be believed, Facebook and Instagram have been especially blocking those posts that are helping people in accessing or getting hold of abortion pills. Meta, which is the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has supposedly already banned any discussion about abortion law in their internal messaging system as well as office premises. This can be seen as Meta’s tacit support to abortion law. For all those who don’t know, Mark Zuckerberg is believed to be supporter of the Republican party, which supports the abortion law.


India delays tough VPN laws by three months

The Indian government has decided to give some reprieve to the VPN companies as it decides to delay the implementation of the tough VPN law by another three months. The decision to give three-month reprieve comes after several VPN companies said that they need more time to comply with new laws. By the way, many international VPN have already shut down their servers in India, citing that they won’t be able to follow these new rules. As per this new rule, all VPN companies will have to maintain the log sheet as well as the IP addresses of all the customers for five years.


Google’s Top Executive will be Pinterest’s new CEO

Pinetrest Logo

Pinterest’s current and long-time CEO Ben Sibermann is all set to step down. He will be soon replaced by Google’s commerce executive Bill Ready. Ready’s arrival will mark Pinterest’s increasing focus on e-commerce, which the company believes is the key in unlocking the company’s future revenue and profit. Ready was looking after Google’s e-commerce and payment options for the last two years and also had a stint with Paypal.


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Tags: featured
Girish Shetti: A writer with a passion for tech, marketing, and sports, he delivers captivating articles for the tech enthusiasts. Girish’s expertise in technology and startup analysis brings insightful content and the latest trends to our readers. He loves being the ‘first’ to know(and write) all that’s happening in the world of Tech and startups.